Cooking with Orihime, Mallow, Ayame, Tohru, and Marijane!!

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3rd Person POV

In the Mansion's Massive Kitchen Orihime, Mallow, Ayame, and Marijane all planned to make some Lunch for the Mansion's occupants and each had something to Make! They were all the Mansion's best cooks so they were all tasked to always make some delicious food for the residents! Of course, Orihime was in charge and they soon began discussing their plans!

Orihime: "Alright so what does everyone Plan to Make today!

Tohru: "Oh I plan to-!"

Everyone: "No Tail Meat Tohru!!!"

Tohru: "I wasn''t going to say that! I was Planning to Make some Cheeseburgers!"

Orihime: "Just No Tail Meat Please!"

Mallow: "I plan on Making some Sushi!"

Ayame: "I Plan to Make my Famous Ramen!"

Tohru: "You Always Make Ramen?"

Ayame: "It's what I'm best at!"

Marijane: "Well I plan to make a Turturkeykey!"

Everyone: "A Turturkeykey!?"

Marijane: "Yeah! A Turkey that has been shoehorned into another Turkey! It's Like a Turducken but less!"

Ayame: "I don't know if to feel disgusted or Hungry..."

Orihime: "Well I plant to make my Famous Cool Ranch Dorito Baked Chicken and Nacho cheese Fries so lets get to work!"

TimeSkIp Presnted  by The Girls cooking delicious food and Tohru trying to sneak some Tail Meat in!

After an Hour of hard work they had made their food and It all Looked super Delicious!

After an Hour of hard work they had made their food and It all Looked super Delicious!

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Tohru's Food

Mallow's Food

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Mallow's Food

Mallow's Food

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Ayame's Food

Marijane's Food

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Marijane's Food

Marijane's Food

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Orihime's Food

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Orihime's Food

Orihime: "I said we did a Great Job Team!! It all Looks Super Delicious!"

Tohru: "All we Need now is Taste tester!"

Everyone: "..."

Marijane: "Well..."

Everyone: "Jackson Can you come down Here Please!?"

To Be Continued...

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