This is the third book in the Long-running series that has definitely been my favorite by far!!! J10 is the Greatest Hero In the world Battling likes Of Frieza, Ragyo, Damoculues, and More while Also having school and A Whole lotta girls!!!
Ranma was at the Mansion's Training Field with Shampoo waiting for Tohru to arrive becuase she promised her that she would spar with her! Ranma was wearing a Red and White Training Gi that showed off her Cleavage and slightly Muscular arms while she also had her hair in her usual little ponytail! She Indeed Looked really Cute!
Ranma: "Hey Shampoo you know when Tohru will get here?"
Shampoo: "Hiya! Shampoo doesn't know where she would be at! All Shampoo know's is that Tohru would be here soon!"
Tphru: "I'm here!"
Tohru came out through the door's wearing her own Martial Arts clothes and she Looked equally cute in her Garb even doing a Ninja pose!
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Tohru: "Look at me! I am Tohru master of the Dragon Style!"
Ranma: "Oh Well she's here! You ready to Spar Tohru?"
Tohru: "Yep! I even got dressed up for this!"
Ranma: "Great! Just Take it easy Alright!"
Tohru: "Yep!"
Shampoo: "3...2...1... FIGHT!!!"
Ranma started channeling her Battle Aura and Prepared a started off strong with her most Powerful Attack!
Ranma: "Lion's-Tiger's Roar!!!"
She then Fired A Massive Red beam that Tohru saw coming and she released her Magical Flame breath that somehow blocked the attack and as the smoke cleared Ranma was gone but she was Right behind Tohru and Prepared her Cat-Fu!
Ranma: "Neko Punch!"
As Tohru turned around to see Ranma she got punched in the face with the force of an Angry Cat and was sent flying!
Tohru: "Oh That was Fun! My Turn!"
She then flew up into the Air and Unleashed a Firey partical belt beam that decimated the battlefield as Ranma got out of the way just in time! She then prepared a Technique our hero has been trying to teach to her!
Ranma: "Rasengan... Kame...Ha...Me... HA!!!"
Thrusting her two fingers together she threw a massive beam at Tohru which strikes her chest sending her flying, hitting the incredibly high ceiling of the Building!
Tohru: "Wow! You Actually Did it!"
Ranma: "Yeah! I've been working my ass off to do that one and I did it! I'm actually pretty happy about that!"
Tohru: "Alright let's finish this then!"
Tohru starts charging another Partical Belt beam as Ranma began charging another Rasengan Kamehameha!!!
Shampoo: "Oh Shampoo doesn't sense good in this..."
Tohru/Ranma: "HAAAAA!!!"
They both fired their beams and they collided resulting in a massive explosion that covered the entire Building in Smoke! When they were Finished they were all covered in smoke and they couldn't help but Luagh becuase that was indeed awesome!
Ranma: "Wow that was Amazing! Your Awesome Tohru!"
Tohru: "Yeah You too Ranma! Your an Amazing sparring partner!"
Shampoo: "Excuse Shampoo but I think we should clean up before someone sees this!"
Just then they heard some foot steps outside the building and it was Kobayashi!
Koba: "Tohru what did you do now!?"
Tohru: "Okay I got a better Idea!"
Ranma: "What?"
Tohru: "Run!!"
They then ran off to avoid being confronted by her!