Kiyotaka Ishimaru X Reader (Bruises and Scars)

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(A/N: I'm putting a few non-requests for just an example of what I can do. Non-Despair Au, and a soulmate AU. In this soulmate AU whatever scratches or bruises your soulmate gets appears as a faint imitation on your own body. It doesn't hurt when you get an imitation. Also warning: The reader gets severely bullied, is abused, and there are mentions of self-harm. And lots of cussing.)

"Mondo, it happened again," Taka showed his friend the ghastly imitations of bruises and scars that littered his arms, there were more on his legs and torso, "I'm severely worried. It's like there's a new mark every day."

His friend frowned, "I know you're worried about them bro. I was terrified before I figured out my soulmate was Chihiro. Like, I wouldn't be there to protect them or something."

Taka touched the newest scar he had noticed just a few minutes ago, "And I'm living that nightmare. I have no idea who they are or anything about them. All I know is that they are hurting."

(Y/N) (L/N) was in Hope Peak's 78th class. Not that they believed that they deserved to be there. They were the Ultimate Helper. They spent most of their time in shelters or wherever they were needed. Anything not to be at home.

To be honest, they considered themselves the 'ultimate pushover'. People used their kindness to get whatever they wanted. Basically anything. The clothes off their back, all of their time and resources, brain, body. People used them as a way to vent their anger.

But it's not like kids at school were the only ones. Their own parents did too. And even their mind acted in a way to torture themself.

The warm, pink blood was an all too familiar sight. Whether it be at their own hand or someone else's. But they didn't cry. They lost the ability to do that a while ago.

They gripped on their books as they walked to class. They sat at their desk behind Mondo Owada. He was talking with Chihiro Fujisaki, his soulmate, and their friend Kiyotaka Ishimaru sat nearby just looking at his hands.

The bell rang and our teacher, Miss. Hara, spoke to us, "Today we are covering a basic topic. Soulmates! Now I know it might be boring, but it's a part of our history curriculum. Since so many wars were fought and/or won because of soulmate connections. Plus a million other things."

(Y/N) bit their lip. They had always worried about how their scars and bruises were affecting their soulmate. People probably asked them about the marks all the time, and the effect on their soulmate psychologically... It had to have hurt. Sure, (Y/N) was fine with the pain if it only affected them. But their soulmate had to have been worried.

(Y/N) had mastered the art of hiding the bruises. Makeup stolen from their mother, baggy clothing, and random excuses in last minute scenarios.

They found themselves looking around at their classmates. Watching their reactions as the lecure they had all heard a million times played out once more.

Some of the reactions were easy to guess. People like Sayaka, Toko, Makoto, and Junko grinned and watched with excited eyes, all of them hoping to meet their soulmate as soon as they could. People like Hiro, Celeste, Leon, Mukuro, Hifumi, and Byakuya not giving a care in the world, and in some cases clearly upset that they had to listen to this rant once more.

Then there were people like Kyoko, Hina, Sakura, Mondo, and Chihiro. Kyoko had already figured out her soulmate, but hadn't told him so her soulmate was a part of the first category. Hina and Sakura had found one another, so Sakura took extra care not to get hit during practice because it worried Hina to death. And of course Mondo and Chihiro found one another after Chihiro stubbed their toe and it formed a bruise.

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