Gundam Tanaka X Reader (The Future They Wanted)

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(A/N: I'm putting a few non-requests for just an example of what I can do. Spoilers for various elements from the second game, especially the chapter 4, and some spoilers for the end. There are mentions of Suicide and Murder.)

"We've been taken to this tropical island - a group of strangers - and ordered to kill each other. The atmosphere of fear and despair that has been created, and our wish to escape it... That is the enemy we should be most concerned about right now."

Byakuya's words shook (Y/N) to the core. They were strong, that much was sure. They were the Ultimate Survivalist after all.

Being told they have to kill one another to leave... Someone is bound to do it eventually.

(Y/N) looked at their childhood friend that had also found themselves in the same situation, Gundam Tanaka, The Ultimate Breeder.

To be completely honest, (Y/N) had been in love with Gundam for as long as they could remember. Man... Gundam was covering his lips, the lips (Y/N) had waited forever to try and kiss.

"My Dark Knight," He addressed (Y/N), "What should we do?"

"Well you could stay in my cottage. It will be safer to stick together."

He nodded and that was that.

Days, weeks, people... They all passed.

Sure a few of them came back. But many of them were dead dead. And now... We were stuck in a funhouse, waiting to starve or be killed.

Or to kill.

"Gundam..." He was pale, the hunger was clearly affecting him, (Y/N) hated it, "I need you to do me a favor."

He looked up at me, his hamsters in his arms, "What is it my Dark Knight?"

(Y/N) looked away from him, I couldn't look at him when I uttered the next words, "I'm going to kill myself. I need you to be the one that tells the others."


(Y/N) smiled a little, They loved the sound of their name passing his lips, "It's the only way. You all need to survive this. I won't allow those I... care about... die like this."

(Y/N) looked at their hands, "If I die by my own hand... Then I'll be the only one to die. Tomorrow I'll go into the Final Death Room, survive it, and then end my own life. I'll leave a note, but I need you to vouch for it."

He quickly stood and placed his hands on his friend's shoulders, "You can't do that! My Dark Knight... Even you shouldn't touch such darkness!"

"I..." (Y/N) couldn't say anything, they just slowly pushed their love's hands from their shoulders. Then they went to the door, "Please. Just do it for me. And don't try and stop me."

They walked out.

It didn't work. (Y/N) was still alive, while Nekomaru Nidai was dead.

They stood, watching in horror as the trail was commencing. Hajime was normally right, but he had to be wrong now. Because he was placing the blame on Gundam.

"Even if you didn't get behind Nekomaru, you should have been able to press the button on the back of his neck. As long as you had the power of the hamsters you keep with you!"

(Y/N) lashed, "You're bringing the hamsters into this!? Do you know no bounds man!? Sure, the Dark Devas can do a lot, but they aren't tools to be used in murder plots!"

"Now that you mention it..." Chiaki spoke up, "After Ibuki was killed at the music venue, one of Gundam's hamsters retrieved the piece of wallpaper from the baton lighting, right? With your friends and their exceptionally smart brains, it must've been possible to secretly get one of them behind Mechamaru and press the button on the back of his neck."

"How about it Gundam?"

(Y/N) lashed, "There's no way! Gundam knew-"

(Y/N) was interrupted by the laughter of the man in question, "Not just myself," Gundam spoke, "But you actually brought up how splendid my subordinates are. I have no recourse but to admit it."

Tears blurred (Y/N)'s vision, "What are you talking about!? You have no reason to-!"

"It appears I have obtained a one-way ticket to hell. Fine then you must tramble me underfoot and advance. Victory can only be built upon a foundation of corpses! You cannot find peace without sacrifice anywhere! Now, trample this life! Trample it as if mere trash on the side of the road! Pull the curtain strings of this worthless performance with your own two hands!"

(Y/N) didn't listen as Hajime finished the argument. It was all lies. It had to be. Gundam knew of (Y/N)'s plan. So he had no reason to kill.

"That someone is Gundam Tanaka... I can't think of anyone else but you!"

"But it can't be!" (Y/N)'s voice was shaky, "Because... Because... Because he knew I was going to kill myself so everyone else could get out! So there would be no motive!"

"But what if that was the motive?"

Chiaki's voice shook (Y/N) to the bone. It was worse than that feeling of despair when the killing game was first announced, it was worse than the despair from kill after kill, it was the worst despair ever.

"The two of you are best friends," She placed her pointer finger on her lip, "If he knew you were going to sacrifice yourself. There's a possibility he might do anything to stop you."

"You did well for mere humans," he was talking to Hajime and Chiaki.

"Stop..." Akane frowned, "Stop it already... Stop using weird words to avoid the truth... Or I'll kill you myself!"

"But it can't be him!" Everyone was shocked, (Y/N) was normally the one that went along with everyone else during the trials, but they wouldn't... no couldn't believe, "My best friend, the man I love isn't a murderer! I'm not going to believe it!"

"(Y/N)!" Sonia was showing the shock everyone could feel.

"Finish this! Cast your impure votes for Gundam Tanaka!"

He was voted guilty... 8-1... (Y/N) voted for Hajime.

"Why!?" (Y/N) stormed over to their friend, grabbing him harshly by the shirt, "Tell me why Gundam! You knew I was going to get you out of this! So why!?"

The man leaned in and gave (Y/N) a kiss on the cheek, "Because I have fallen for my Dark Knight. I had to make sure you lived."

(Y/N) froze. Letting go of Gundam's shirt and falling to the floor. They couldn't hear anything.

"Let's give it everything we've got! It's Punishment Time!"

The love of (Y/N)'s life calmly walked away...

It all was a blur. (Y/N) fought to survive. They knew the only way to be with their love again was to die in a blazing glory. FIght with their last breath to see him again in Valhalla or hell. Wherever...


It was such a foren concept... but Hajime's words...

"Our futures are ours! I won't let anyone take them! I'm done with running away! I will fight for my future! I will fight alongside the future that everyone created for me! It's not for anyone else's sake but my own! I am Hajime Hinata! Let's shut this game down!"

"Let's do it." (Y/N)'s voice filled the room, "Even if I forget everything that happens here... Even if those who died never remember what happened here... My heart lives on! This is our future! We get to make it! Right Hajime!? It will work out! Because the love I hold will lead the way to the future! The future I've always dreamed of!"

Then... It all began...

"Gundam!" It was all different, but the same. (Y/N) was in Gundam's arms before they could even blink.

Their lips met.

So this... This is the future...


It's perfect.

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