Chapter 4

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Bakugo POV

I was holding his hand....His hand is so soft and so adorable. His hand fit perfectly on my hand. As I was fan-girling in my head Deku spoke up. "Um kacchan where are we umm going for" He gulped. "F-for our d-d-date?" He continued but he said it in a more quiet voice. Shit I forgot. I got my phone from my pocket still holding Dekus hand. I reviewed the messages from last night. "We're going to eat." I growl. "Okay!" He said smiling. My face got a bit red looking at him. I turned the other way walking to the restaurant. Then I got a text from Mr. Aizawa.

Aizawa: Look in your pocket I left my card in there and paper money so you guys can eat and go to the amusement park and stuff....I'm a pro hero it's easy to make so much money(A/N: Aizawa really said Daisuke Kanbe: Balance Unlimited)...The pin is ****

Me: Thanks ig

Aizawa: I'm rooting for you don't mess this up. If this is what will help you guys closer then it's fine with me.

I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket while looking for the card. I found it and we headed to the restaurant.

It was very casual but a bit fancy. We sat down in the seats that the lady showed us. "Here are your menus I'll come back in a couple minutes to order your drinks." The lady said. Before she left she bit her lips an gave me a wink. I ignored it.

Deku POV
I saw that. That lady is trying to steal Kacchan away. She bit her lips and winked at him. Hmph she's got nothing on me. Kacchan is mine. And mine only. Ha. Kacchan ignored you. "Wait he does that to me. What if he starts liking her. But just because he ignores me doesn't mean he likes me. But she is a pretty woman and Kacchan is straight and I'm bisexual she's totally gonna steal him-" I mumbled but I got cut off.

Bakugo POV

"Oi Nerd what are gonna drink?" I ask. He was mumbling. I heard some of it. It was something like "he does that to me blah blah blah likes me blah blah pretty blah blah kacchan straight blah blah blah bisexual blah blah she's going to steal him" or something like that. Wait does he think I'm straight also is he afraid that's she's going to steal me??  Ah Deku no body is going to steal me from you. "I'll get coke and water" he says. He didn't stutter he's getting used to me. "I'll get water to then" I say back. This silence formed. It felt like hours but it was actually 5 minutes. Then the waitress comes.

"Okay what would you like to drink?" She asks us. "Water." I say coldly. "Um I going to um get s-some coke a-and wa-water." He stutters. She looks at him. It looked like she pitted him. That made me mad. "I'll be back with your drinks in a few." She looks at me. She looked interested in me and she gave me a wink again and bit her lip and looked up and down with her eyes then smiled then walked away. As she walked away said loud enough that only she and Deku can hear. "Oi Deku I'm gay." I looked back and she looked really angry but stilled walked away. Deku looks at me surprised. "Kacchan." "Yea" "Are you gay really I'm bisexual!" He says happily. "Cool." I grin. Long story short we ordered our food, ate, payed, and left. We did talk about hero stuff and how cool it would be if we teamed up sometimes to defeat villains. We also had deep conversations about stuff we had to deal with growing up. I really like talking to Deku it was very nice.

When we walked out the door we weren't holding hands. I was kinda bummed out cuz of that...Should I hold his hand and make the first move or wait for him to make the first move? Shit I'm going to do it. I reach for his hand and interlocking fingers. I turned to him while walking. He had his head down. I saw his ear it was pink. I stopped and made him turn to me. His head was still down. "Kacchan why did we sto-" I cup him with one hand and the other still holding his hand. With the hand i cupped him I made him show his face. He was blushing!!!! *Bakugo screams in his head btw he sounds angry like always* FUCKING CUTE DUMBASS YOUR'E GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF ME I FUCKING LOVE YOU-.....I love him....I love him... I love him.. I love him. I LOVE HIM! I just emitted that I'm in love with him. We stared at each other's eyes. Cute dumbass making me feel like this. "Where are we...g-going Kacchan?" He asks. I let go off his chin but still hold his hand and start walking. I was dragging him because he just stood there confused. "We're getting an Uber so we can go to the amusement park." I answered.
Time skip: When they arrived
"Wow kacchan this is so cool! I wanted to come here a few days ago!!" Deku said excitedly looking out the window. When the car stop he flung the door open and ran to the entrance and waited for me. Because of that we weren't holding hands anymore. No Deku I want your hand back- wait when did I become clingy. It's this cute bastards fault. I quickly payed the Uber driver and jogged up to Deku. I was 2 feet away from Deku when he held out his hand to hold it. I couldn't help it. A smile appeared on my face. I reached out to his hand interlocking each other's fingers.The first ride we went on was called "Flying All Might" it was one of those ones that went up really high then I drops you real fast. I of course wasn't scared but Deku was a bit afraid. Which was very confusing, because he used his quirk to jump higher than the ride. It was 15:54 (4:54 pm) the sun was out but I knew it was going to go down soon. "Oi Deku we'll stay here for a few more hours like until 21:30 (9:30) got it." I growl. "Okay Kacchan what ever you say" he smiled. I felt my face heat up. I was blushing a bit but you can nearly notice it. After a few rides we stopped for a break and bought cotton candy. Well Deku did. We sat in a table sitting across each other. Not many people were there because of how late it was. It was 20:02 (8:02pm). I was getting sleepy. "Hey Kacchan do you want some cotton candy?" Deku said as he held out the cotton candy in one hand and he was holding another piece on his other hand he looked like he was going to eat it. I got up and lead to the piece of cotton candy and ate it from his fingers. I sat back down looked at him licked my lips the bit them. After I started intensely at him while wiping the saliva off my lips with my thumb.
Deku POV

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