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Jiwon entered the room full of hopeful, new officers. Some were shaking in excitement.

"I welcome all of you today. You have worked hard to get to where you are now. Once you become an officer and get your partner, I want all of you to be ready to risk your lives for the people of our city and country. I am counting on you." The lieutenant looked everyone sternly in the eye. "Make a difference, and do it secretly."

Jiwon smiled at his speech before putting her cap on her head. Everyone stood up, and took an oath.

"I swear on my life that I will protect our country from any dangers, both foreign and domestic, and will not hesitate to put my life on the line for the safety of our country and community."

It was a quick statement but Jiwon felt the power of the words surge through her. She is officially an officer, and will make a difference. "Finally."

"Chae Jiwon?"

Jiwon's head snapped up from her little desk she had just been assigned too. "Yes, Sergeant?"

"Ya got a partner," he smiled at her. "He's over there. Make some friends." He nodded his head over to a guy, who had his head buried under stacks of papers and seemed to completely ignore all of his surroundings.

"Okay, thanks Sergeant." Jiwon slightly bowed in thanks, before walking towards the guy.

Before she could even reach her hand out to tap his shoulder, he turned around so quickly and grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards him.

Uncomfortably close, he mumbled to her, "And, who are you?" Jiwon shivered at his voice before whispering, "Um, I'm your partner?"

He looked her up and down, seeming to name her harmless before pushing her away. "I don't need a partner." Jiwon was getting slightly fed up.

"Sorry Mister, but it doesn't work like that. You just started the job, so just follow the rules." Jiwon's hands were on her hips, totally irritated by the ignorant man in front of her.

He rolled his eyes before glancing at her, covering his papers with his hands and turning to face her. "Fine, we're partners. Doesn't mean I like you. You can leave."

Jiwon huffed in annoyance. "I don't like you either! She turned to leave before turning around again. "At least, tell me your name."

He groaned in annoyance. "Ugh why?"

"Unless you want me to call you Jerk from now on."

"Fine", he whispered through gritted teeth, "it's Younghoon." He started flipping through his pages again.

"Great, I'm Jiwon."

"Uh, did I ask?"

At this time, Jiwon was so done so she just turned around to leave. "If I punch him, then I might get an assault charge." She whispered to herself, "This sucks."

"Hey, Jiwon, Younghoon. Get down to the Museum of  Modern and Contemporary Art."

Right, there were some stolen goods from yesterday. "Sure thing, Sergeant."

Younghoon got up and stood next to Jiwon.

"Look, let's not get in each other's way, okay?"

She rolled her eyes. "Let's not even look at each other's way."

"Hah, or that."

Jiwon didn't exactly like her partner but hey, at least he agreed.

"Let's catch this thief!" Jiwon said in a passionate tone.

"You mean, I'll catch this thief," Younghoon pridefully said and smirked.

"Shut up, Jerkhoon."

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