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He sighed as he sank into his leather chair, glancing out the large window that glowed behind him.

It was dark out, the lights from the lamps illuminating the gardens of green that were on display outside of the building. He was tired, too tired to even go home.

"Are you still in there?" A little voice whispered into the room, a head peeking in the room.


"Yes..it's me." She slipped into the room, slightly bowing her head as she quietly closed the door behind her.

"What is it that you want?" Hyunjae glanced at her, remembering some unpleasant times she caused.

"I guess I'm.. sorry. Having grudges with a President is one thing. Having grudges with his friends too? Definitely not what I want."

Hyunjae glanced at her, standing up. "You're smart, I know you are." She glanced up at him, worry crossing her face.

He came closer to her, his hand slamming on the wall besides her shoulder, capturing her.
"You have a motive, don't you?"

"No! Is that what you think?" Eunjung yelled, slightly glaring at him, hurt visible enough.

He leaned in. "It's exactly what I'm thinking." He pushed off the wall, heading back to his seat. "You can leave now."

Eunjung, flustered and hurt, opened the door, rushing out of the room quickly.


"Remember when I told you I was planning Yuna's birthday? It's actually her birthday soon." Younghoon said, glancing at his phone. "Hyunjae just texted me."

Jiwon dropped her papers. "Are you serious? I haven't gotten her a present!" She ran over to the Directors office, opening the door, peeking her head in. "We're going to the Blue House.. for work stuff."

"You're going tommorow, why now-"

"Thanks!" Jiwon slammed the door, grabbing her coat and Yujin and Younghoon.

"What should we get her?"


Hyunjae glanced at his phone, slightly smiling.
"I'm off." He said, smiling to the receptionist, who quickly stood up and bowed.

"And," He said, spinning around, "No bodyguards for today? Please?"

Mr. Choi glanced at the other guard, before nodding.

Hyunjae just didn't want Choi anywhere near his friends. And besides, having two bodyguards was too much work and attention.

"Okay, I'm going now." He waved to the three. Although he hated having to work with Mr. Choi, all he needed was to milk him for the location of Yuna's dad.

"Yeah, I'm doing the right thing."


"Oh, lookie who's here." Yujin smiled, pointing at the tall man who was making his way over to them.

Jiwon grinned, waving her hands. "Hyunjae!"

He waved back, pulling down his sunglasses. "Here to shop for Yuna's gift, right?"

"Yeah, just not sure what to get her." Jiwon replied, huffing in disappointment.

Younghoon chuckled, patting her head. "We'll find something."

Hyunjae nodded, "Of course we will," He said, slightly pulling her arm, making her slip out of Younghoon's grip. "Alrighty, we all separate and then we all meet back here?"

"You got it. Cya guys." Yujin said, already speeding off in one direction.


Jiwon was busy looking at nice dresses, sifting through long ones, short ones, gold ones, and quite colorful ones.

She hadn't found one for Yuna but decided she's be on the lookout for one for herself. She only had one dress, and that was the one Yuna had picked for her from the last meeting where her dad went missing.

She sighed. Her dad wasn't found yet and here they were shopping.

She remembered confronting Hyunjae about something.

"Are you hiding something? Your acting a little off.." Jiwon said, pulling Hyunjae aside. "You okay?"

Hyunjae ran his hands through his hair. "J-just trust me. I promise I can find him. I can find the President. Just trust me?"

Jiwon sighed, pushing her thoughts away. She grabbed two dresses and rushed to the counter to pay.

"Let's go ask him." Jiwon whispered to herself before smiling sweetly at the cashier.


Yujin, on the other hand, was getting a little distracted. "Which Whoopie Cushion makes the loudest fart?"

She stared at them, one in each hand. She thought about it before smiling to herself.

"I guess I'll just have to test it myself."


Younghoon went over to a nearby girl, tapping her shoulder. "Excuse me, do you know what I should get a friend that's a girl for her birthday?"

The girl smiled, delighted a handsome boy had talked to her first. "Food is the way. Get her her favorite foods."

Younghoon nodded smiling. Yuna had always loved pizza. "Yeah, thanks so much."

"Are you not going to give me your number-"


Hyunjae had made a beeline for another store, specifically the jewelry store.

Mr. Choi had sadly found out that it was Yuna's birthday. "You can't hide this kind of stuff from me. I no longer want Meringue, if that makes you happy."

"Then what is it that you want?" Hyunjae yelled, frustration evident in his voice.

"To be the President of course. Step down and I'll keep Yuna's dad alive."

Hyunjae growled. "Now what does this have to do with Yuna's birthday?"

"Propose to her. And when that seat is secured,

Give it to me."

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