Whisper+Jibanyan: Stealth Mission

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A/N: Sorry for taking so long. I've been through some shit lately but everything's fine now. I'll make up for lost time, I promise!

Katie was packing her things into her bag ready to go home. Nate approached her desk.

Nate: Hey, Katie. Ready to go?

Katie zipped up her bag and nodded. They both started to walk out of the classroom. Whisper and Jibanyan were about to follow, but they noticed Bear and Eddie watching Nate and Katie.

Whisper: Those two are up to something.

Nate: Could you wait here a sec, I forgot something.

Nate walked back into the room and talked to Whisper and Jibanyan.

Nate: I'd prefer if you just let me and Katie go alone.

Whisper: But...

Nate: No, Whisper. Make your own way home.

Nate then left.

Whisper: (sarcastically) Charming.

Jibanyan: Hey, just because we can't walk with Nate, doesn't mean we can't keep an eye on Bear and Eddie!

Whisper: Good idea. We'll follow them around to make sure they aren't plotting anything to win Katie's heart over Nate.

Jibanyan: Right.


Nate and Katie were walking home together, avoiding eye contact. Nate really wanted to speak to Katie, but felt whatever he said would sound cringey and awkward. Katie, on the other hand, wanted to speak, but didn't want to say something she'd regret. Not far behind were Bear and Eddie, who watched from behind a lamppost. They didn't conceal themselves much, since a lamppost isn't really stealth-worthy.

Bear: There they are!

Eddie: What should we do?

Bear grinned and took out a bunch of spitwads.

Bear: These should work.

Whisper and Jibanyan, who were watching them, gasped.

Jibanyan: Oh nyo!

Whisper: Not good. If Bear hits on target, he's bound to ruin this by somehow getting the blame on Nate!

Jibanyan: Wait, what? I think you've been watching too many romance films, Whisper.

Bear then put the wads in the tube and snickered as he put his mouth to the end.

Whisper: It's too late to stop him!

Then he spat the wads, aiming straight for Katie's hair.

Whisper: No...it's never too late!

Whisper flew in the path of the spitwads and they all hit him instead of Katie, bouncing off. Bear seemed shocked.

Eddie: What? Dude, you have really lousy aim.

Bear: It wasn't my aim! Something blocked them!

Eddie: Ha! As if! Next you'll be telling me a yokai was behind it!

If only they knew...

Whisper, who had been knocked to the ground by the spitwads, groaned weakly as Bear and Eddie went past him.

Whisper: Jibanyan...go on without me...

Jibanyan: Dude, they're only spitwads.

Whisper then returned to his normal state.

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