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*Note: Sorry for the very VERY late update, I've been having some issues in life and I'll make the best of it by writing more of this :)*

Swagger and Kyroz looked off at the scenery. The warm sunset glow hitting their faces. Kyroz gave a cool kid smile as he embraced the warmth, swagger glanced at him in curiosity. Kyroz looked over with his settle eyes.

"Something up? Or do you like what ya see?" He smirked, gesturing himself.

Swagger laughed, shaking his head as he looked back onto the road.
"No, just looking at a friend doing stupid shit."

"Very well, I'm not a mirror ya know.." Kyroz joked, sneaking a poof from his vape as he his shoes chilled on the dashboard of the front car. "Haha... Very funny." Swagger rolled his eyes playfully. Kyroz went back chill.

"You and... Fitz seem close, huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"You two always... Ahem "

Swagger cocked an eyebrow in suspense.

"I dunno how to put it.. 'Close...bonding' ?"

Swagger coughed nervously. "What! No! Never! Never with him, his a douche Kyroz."

"Well slap my ass and call me daddy you liar..." Kyroz laughed.

"Fine! Yes! Kinda- I AIN'T SOFT THOUGH!" He added in.

Kyroz gleamed at swagger, sure he was a friend... No no, he likes Smitty.. Swagger is a good guy.. I can see why Fitz likes him.. I wish though.. Would be a plot twist huh? ( ;) ). Kyroz took another poof from his vape again as he stared off on the highway. Nothing but music blasting and the rocky road hitting the tires. He wished this stayed like this forever.. Just him and swagger hanging out.

Swagger nudged Kyroz shoulder for the vape, Kyroz passed the poof as swagger took a sip of that sweet cloud, exhaling the huge cloud. Kyroz snickered, takin it back.

Somehow 50 years later...

The two got out of the car, hearing silence and the wind blowing. They headed inside, everyone was asleep except the roach... Fitz... As soon they stepped through they heard steps.. Swagger slapped Kyroz chest in a "stop" signal. Fitz was heard laughing with another voice, the sneaked up as Kyroz prepped the vape to slam over the individuals head. The open Fitz's door slowly and ran him with some mating call sound as they turned around in shock. The individual was R O U N D and T H I C K with short blonde hair and glasses. Kyroz and Swagger stood dumbfounded. "What the hell guys!" Fitz stood like the fucking hulk. "Yo, yo, chill!" Kyroz stood in front of swagged in defence. "Yeah child Fitz- I would be scared too if ya "broke" in the house too." The individual laughed. Fitz sighed, head lowered. "Guys, this is Carson, my homie-" he lifted his head back up, rustling with Carson's head.  Swagger narrowed his eyes in some sort of jealousy. "Nice to meet you defenders." Carson smiled, gesturing for a hand shake. Kyroz did but when it was swaggers turn, he folded his arms. Carson frowned.

"Tough crowd?" Carson scratched the back of his head, embarrassingly. "Guess so" Fitz shrugged. He glanced at swagger with a lip bite wink. Swagger frozen and ran out of the room in fluster. Fitz giggled as he looked at the other two and started conversation. Swagger went into his Gucci large bedroom and flopped on his king fecking sized bed. He groaned.

(HAHA... Guess what's going happen.... ;)))) no not rape..)

Swagger flipped over and noticed something... Hard.. He looked down and went "😳". He panicked and covered his bone........r with a red face. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!" He mumbled harshly, but every time he touched it, he felt even more lovely sick.   He covered his mouth as he felt the embarrassment and turned on---ness wave over him. He hid under the covers with whimpers, trying to cool off,  Jesus Christ why was that idiot hot?! Hot?! No!! Hell no!!.... Oh but that shir-- NO SWAGGER! He slapped himself.

Are You High? {FItZ X Swagger souls} Where stories live. Discover now