He's back

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(Atae's pov)

"I can't believe I agreed to working at U.A." "come on honey you'll do great"
Fudzuki told me. "Well I better get going, I promised Tomura that I would visit him before work." I drove to a bar that looked really busy today. I said hi to High end as I was walking in. Then I saw Kurogiri as the bartender and Tomura giving and taking peoples orders. "Hay Tomura." "Oh, hey Atae. How are you today." He said. I told him I was good before going and sitting at the table. "Your here earlier then usual." Kurogiri said to me. "Well I have to work at U.A. now so I thought I'd say hi before I left.

(Time skip)

I heard a bunch of talking coming from the classroom and I decided I heard enough. I slammed the door open and told them to shut up. "Hello, I am your teacher Mr.Busujima but you will call me sensei. Understand." "Yes sensei!" They all said. In the middle of class I noticed that one of my students was having trouble with wires. "Your supposed to connect this wire with the opposite one." "Thank you sensei."

(Time skip after school)

when I got home I noticed that my wife and daughter aren't back from shopping yet. I turned on the news and saw that a few villains were causing havoc in a big area. "It seems that the villains are keeping a little girl hostage." The news reporter said. I looked closer and realized it was my daughter they were holding captive. I got so angry that I went to my room, opened a chest and took out a choker that transformed to my All For One mask. I proceeded to teleport behind the first guy and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and his face was the look of terror. "But your a myth." I grabbed his head then made his entire body explode. I then turned around an swun my arm with enough force that the sir pressure sliced the next guy in half and broke all the ground at least 20 ft behind him. 2 others I just made the ground turn into spikes and killed them. The last guy I just used a gravity manipulation quirk to turn his body inside out.

(Todoroki's pov)
As I was hurrying to the villain attack I saw him. "No how can he be back. He was gone for 20 years why is he back now. After he killed all of them I walked up to him and shot ice at him but it just melted upon contact. "Why are you back!" I yelled at him. "Because I couldn't just stand and watch as this little girl got hurt." What he said made me freeze. "Believe me I don't want to be here as much as you do but if I didn't act this girl would have died so I'll be going now." Then he teleported away. My only thought was Nezu was right, he has changed.

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