6 | Truth or Dare?

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Going to start adding a song to fit the mood of the chapter. Just for you guys to vibe before / while / after you read. ( ͒•∘̬• ͒)

24th November

Ten days remaining.

It was the evening of the 24th November. Caesar and JoJo sat on the Prince's balcony, as they often did when one was bored, stressed, upset or generally just wanted the other's company. This time, it was Joseph, stressing over the fact that the ball is coming up and he still doesn't know how to dance.
"But Caesar! What if I make an absolute fool out of myself? My reputation will never recover!"
The younger male grabbed his chest dramatically, as if he had been pierced by embarrassment's arrow.
"My goodness, you are so dramatic! Calm down, it's not a big deal."
The Italian poured a glass of red wine and handed it to JoJo, the thick, dark liquid swirling with every movement of the glass.
"Here, this may take things off your mind. When I am stressed, I always drink, and worry about it when I have a hangover the next day."
The Brit took the glass and chuckled, "If I become an alcoholic, remember that it will be entirely your fault."

Joseph's head was aching from all of the stress. He wasn't ready for any of this. He didn't want to get married. He didn't want to hold this ball. He didn't want to be a prince. But, the goal of meeting his grandmother's expectations hung over his mind, like a parasite. To be honest, the Prince felt he could really use a drink right now. He took a sip from the wine glass, his mood already improving slightly. He wrapped an arm around Caesar, causing the blonde to almost drop his glass.
"Say, Caesarino, why don't we play a game? Something to help take my mind off the ball."
"Hmmm, what did you have in mind?"
Joseph paused in thought for a second. "I don't know. I never have time to play anything, and when I do, I have nobody to play with. I don't really know many good games."
"Well, why not truth or dare? It's where one of us asks the other to choose from either truth or dare. If the person you are asking selects truth, you ask them a question that they must answer truthfully. If they select dare, they must perform any task you ask of them."
JoJo's eyes seemed to light up. "That sounds like great fun! Why don't we do that? You ask first, since I've never played this before."
"Alright. Truth or dare?"
The brunette took another sip from glass in his hand and pondered the question for a few seconds.
"Uh... Truth."
"What do you hate the most about me?"
Joseph smiled nonchalantly. He already knew the answer. He had thought about this before. Was that weird?


"I don't hate anything about you."
Caesar blushed lightly and chuckled.
"Oh? I was unaware that I was that perfect."
"I don't HATE anything about you, but I STRONGLY dislike the way you carry yourself. You always seem so cocky, but in a mysterious way. It's alluring. I must say, I'm jealous."
"Jealous? This was supposed to be things you hate about me."
"I do hate it. I wish that I could be as effortlessly charming as you. You can get any girl just by WALKING past her."
The Italian looked at Joseph with an unimpressed expression. The younger male immediately began waving his arms around.
"S- SORRY! I forgot-"
"It's fine, JoJo." Caesar's voice contained a hint of bitterness.
An awkward silence sat in the air momentarily, weighing down the mood, and surfacing tension between the two they hadn't realised was already there.
"It doesn't sound-"
"Just shut up." The blonde cut the other off a second time, before running a hand through his hair and sighing. "It's your turn to ask me now."
"Oh yeah! Sorry. Uhm... Truth or dare?"
"Hmmm... Truth."
"You're so boring, Caesarino!" The Prince elbowed his friend in the side.
"Must I remind you that you also picked truth?", he retorted.
"Sh- Shut up."
We stan tsundere Joseph. <3

After many more truths and dares, and many more awkward silences, it was once again the brunette's turn to ask. JoJo was now finishing his second glass of wine, whereas his companion had barely touched his first. Two sips at most.
"So, Caesar, truth or dare?
The Italian seemingly pondered the question for a while, before touching his finger to his lip and responding thoughtfully.
"Dare, I suppose."
A smirk crept across the younger male's face.
"I dare you to stand on the balcony railing."
"Calm down, Caesarino. Granny Erina might hear us." He flinched at the thought. "Besides, I'll catch you if you fall."
The older male reluctantly sat on the railing, swinging one leg onto the side. He didn't dare look down, knowing that he would probably launch himself into his friend beside him out of fear if he did.

And then it happened. It was so fast, neither men could comprehend what happened until the moment had passed. Caesar slipped, falling onto the balcony instead of away. As a reflex, the Brit grabbed his friend, and...
The Italian sat on the balcony, his Boyce and face painted with anger, his shirt painted with wine.
The prince began laughing and waving his his hands around defensively.
"I'm sorry, Caesar! Sorry, sorry. It was a pan impulse. I thought you could get hurt."
"WELL MY SHIRT IS RUINED. It was a nice one too. You fool." He huffed and folded his arms across his chest.

In place of a response, the brunette began to unbutton his shirt.
"JoJo? What are you doing?" The older man looked away, to hide his pink-dusted face.
"Take your shirt off, you can wear mine. You'll need something to wear home anyway, and this is my room. I obviously have a whole wardrobe of shirts." He removed his cotton, button-up shirt and held it out toward the blonde.
"Hurry up! You'll get cold in wet clothes, and I'll get cold shirtless. This one should fit you alright. We're the same size." He smiled sweetly.
Caesar wordlessly removed the stained shirt and traded pieces of cloth. Joseph folded the stained shirt and placed it on the side, walking to his wardrobe to get something else to wear, while Caesar began to put on Joseph's button-up. It smelled strongly. It was a pleasant smell, that of chamomile tea and jasmine, unsurprisingly with a hint of wine. Caesar sunk into the item, appreciating the warmth of dry clothing. Joseph popped up behind him without warning, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey Caesarino! Want to continue our game? Sorry for giving you such a risky dare. That was stupid of me."
Caesar continued to look away, as a final effort to hide his blush.
"I- I can't. I'm getting tired. I need to go home."
"It's not because of me, is it? I said I'm so-"
"N-No. No, it's not you. I'm just tired."
Joseph let out a breath he was unaware he had been holding in.
"Good. Well, get good rest Caesarino! I need your help tomorrow morning!"
"Y-You do?"
"Yep!" He grinned happily. "It's a job for the best guy I know, who would happen to be you."
And on that note, Caesar shoved past the Prince.
"Yeah well I'll be heading home now. Nice to speak to you. I had fun. Goodnight."
The Italian slammed the door behind him, and exhaled a sigh of relief, before heading down the hall, toward the exit of the large building he had grown so familiar with.


SORRY SORRY SORRY! I'M ALIVE!  。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。 I'm so sorry this one took so long to come out! I got busy, and aphasia massive writer's block! (*'ー`) But it's alright now! I'm writing an original fantasy book on the side, so I'm not sure how regular my updates can be, but I'll try! ('́)

For now, enjoy the fangirl Caesar and awkward gay tension.

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