Chapter 3: Dragon Slayers Unite.

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3rd POV

After dealing with Beserker Phantom Of The Opera. (Y/n)'s Phantom Of the Opera is still scared of Beserker Lancelot. "Did you really have to use Beserker Lancelot's Noble Phantasm to overkill The Dragon Witch's Phantom of the Opera master?" Sigurd, the newly summoned 5 star SSR Saber Servant, said while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Can't I have some fun? Besides, our next Target is Beserker Sanson and the enemy Beserker Lancelot." (Y/n) said with glee while he gave Jack the Ripper a piggy back ride. "Mommy, can we assist Uncle Lancelot in dealing with his enemy self?" Jack the Ripper asked (Y/n) before she gave a hug to (Y/n). "Sure. Just make sure that you won't get hit by any of his attacks." (Y/n) said with a smile.

"Yay! Thank you mommy! Uncle Lancelot, we'll be assisting you in your fight against your enemy self." Jack the Ripper said to Beserker Lancelot and Beserker Lancelot nodded and smiled within his helmet.
"Let's head head to the castle. Since this singularity's Siegfried is there and he's cursed." (Y/n) said as he pointed to the castle. After heading to the maze-like castle. (Y/n) finally found the Siegfried of the Orleans Singularity and he already knew that he's cursed and he had away around that.

Time skip.

After helping Orleans Siegfried out of the castle. The Dragon Witch along with her two lackeys Beserker Sanson and Enemy Beserker Lancelot showed up along with Fafnir. "Cue The Dragon Witch arriving along with Beserker Sanson and enemy Beserker Lancelot." (Y/n) said stating the obvious. "Yeah, no shit Sherlock." Jalter said in her Shinjuku outfit before she changed into her 3rd Ascension Outfit. "It's attacking!" both Marie Antoinettes said in unison. "No! Get Back Maria!" both Mozarts said as they tried to protect their Marie Antoinettes.

"Martha, heal up Orleans Siegfried. Sigurd and Siegfried, you two deal with the dragon. Sanson, Mozarts, Lancelot, and Jackie. You guys deal with the enemy servants. I'll deal with The Dragon Witch along with Jalter and Jeanne." (Y/n) said before he summoned giant speakers from his phone and placed them on top of the castle and they started playing The Touch by Stan Bush.

(A/n: Play this for added awesomeness!)

"YOU GOT THE TOUCH! YOU GOT THE POWER! YEAH!" (Y/n) belted out the first lines of the song as he charged towards Jalter. "Oh hell fucking yes. My favorite!" Jalter said before joining (Y/n) into the fray while the song empowered her. "(Y/n) doesn't disappoint with his choice of songs. I like this." (Y/n)'s Mozart said as his stats got boosted up to the max. "What on earth is this music!?" The Dragon Witch yelled out in annoyance.

"I'm so confused on this." Mashu said before (y/n)'s Marie placed her hand on Mash's shoulder. "This is truly and inspiring song! I'll gladly sing to this!" (Y/n)'s Marie said before she joined in singing the song. Sigurd went all out on the dragon along with Siegfried, both of them are boosted up due to the song. Sigurd delivered strong strikes to the dragon along with some slashes to he Dragon's wings. Siegfried on the other hand used Balmug to slice away the Dragon's skin and tail.

Meanwhile, Beserker Sanson and enemy Beserker Lancelot were busy in dealing with Jack the Ripper, Regular Sanson, and Lancelot. Beserker Sanson was having a two on one scenario since he's fighting his lvl 100 version along with Jack the Ripper with the sounds of blades clashing loudly along with the music that's boosting their battle prowess even further. "Damn it, how are you guys strong!?" Beserker Sanson asked in annoyance before getting his chest slashed by Regular Sanson.

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