Chapter 9: Monty Python Expedition

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(3rd POV)

After dealing with the Shaped Isle incident... (Y/n) is a bit worse for wear to say the least. He was in the throne room of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon with his servants and the Real Nero enjoying some free time like playing video games and such. They stopped over Nero's camp to get her troops along with Boudica and Spartacus, since they would be of good use. "LET'S USE ORBITAL BOMBARDMENT!" (Y/n) yelled out in the throne room and Semiramis smirked at the idea.

Not long after, the set the course to Nero's other Generals, which are Jing Ke and Lu Bu. They are currently fighting off Leonidas and his band of 300+ Roman Legionares and the two Chinese servants are having a hard time. But (Y/n), ever the madman, FGO expert, and maniac that he is, he signaled Semiramis to Aerial Bombardment Leonidas and his army so that Jing Ke and Lu Bu can get a tactical retreat. Not long after the battle, (Y/n) told Semiramis to land the Hanging Gardens of Babylon near Jing Ke and Lu Bu's army camp.

"Alright... Time to pick up more people for the Assault on the United Roman Capital." (Y/n) said before he looked at Semiramis to open up a portal to the ground so that they can jump down and get the remaining troops. After getting to the ground, (Y/n) and his servants, plus the real Nero, went on to get the two Chinese Servants and their army but they hit a snag when two other servants stopped them. It was Zhuge Liang or Lord El-Melloi II and Alexander the Great, these two were in their way and (Y/n) is so pissed and happy to see this.

"Hey there Lord El-Melloi, how's Reines? I hope she's doing well~." (Y/n) teased before his servant, plus the real Nero, gave out a small laugh on the comment. "H-how did you know about Reines? Uh... I mean... Who?" Zhuge Liang said while trying to hide the fact that he knows but failed since his hands were shaking a bit. This is the point where... Shit goes down. Soon, (Y/n) summoned up Reines and Gray and Zhuge Liang already shit his pants on what happened.

"Shishou?" Gray asked when she saw Zhuge Liang and Alexander standing next to each other. "Well, well, well, seems that my little brother is a lolicon~" Reines said while giving a small smirk before making Zhuge Liang shudder. Alexander was very lost on what's going but he took the initiative and attacked first but Gray was quicker and used Add, her weapon, to block the sword strikes. Zhuge Liang on the other hand was having a mid-life crisis thanks to Reines. (Y/n) was laughing his ass off when this was going on but he ordered Stheno to help out Gray since she is having a bit of trouble in the fight.

"I thank you for your support in helping me and my troops (Y/n)" The real Nero said while standing triumphantly with her hands on her hips while giving a glorious smirk. "No problem Nero, plus the capital is going down in Ruins because of one thing." (Y/n) said before he summoned up Excalibur. "Senpai? Is that Excalibur?" Mash asked in a curious tone. "You bet your cute kouhai face it is." (Y/n) said before reciting the Noble Phantasm chant.

"Yes, let's put an end to this. Seal thirteen----Decision start!" (Y/n) said before all of the Knights of The Round Table Appeared, yes including the male and Female variant of King Arthur and Merlin too. "Approved, Bedivere." Proto-Merlin said before Bedivere Readies his own Noble Phantasm. "Approved." Bedivere said before Proto-Merlin continued. "Gareth" she called out and Gareth responded with her answer which is approved. "Lancelot" Proto-Merlin did the same with Lancelot and he gave the same answer before getting his sword ready. "Mordred" she asked Mordred before she smiled and yelled out approved. "Galahad" she asked before Mashu answered in place of Galahad.

"This is a battle to save the world." (Y/n) said before everyone nodded. "(Y/n)" Proto-Merlin finished the unlocking process. "EKSU-CALIBUR!" (Y/n) yelled out before he unleashed the biggest blast to the United Roman Capital. "FUCK YEAH! THAT'S THE MOST EPIC BLAST EVER!" Mordred cheered while fighting off enemies. "Geez Mordred." Gawain said as he sighed due to his "Sister" that her had some violent tendencies. After a long, long, LONG battle, the enemies were beaten and Zhuge Liang was captured by his sister and her maid and Alexander was sent back to the throne.

The party was victorious and they went their way to Jing Ke and Lu Bu's camp to pick them up. After a short walk, the ended up at the camp and both Jing Ke and Lu Bu were surprised to see the party there, sure they agreed with coming with them to the Gardens to get to the capital faster since it's better than walking anyway. After getting the whole battalion of soldiers into the Gardens, the group went on the craziest journey ever. Winds blew them away from their destination and some times the encountered some crazy stuff, from cartoon monsters to... French Knights?

"I'LL LA GRONDAMENT DU HAINE IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION! YOUR MOTHER WAS A 1 CE AND YOUR FATHER SMELT OF MAPO TOFU!" The Frenchwoman, resembling Jalter (Which isn't her) said to the group. "Okay... Who let out the pandora's box of Monty Python references?" (Y/n) asked before he saw the two Neros whistling innocently. (Y/n) just mentally sighed before he used tnt to blow up the French fortress into kingdom come. After that, they went along their merry way of heading to the Capital of the United Roman Empire.

After landing the Gardena near the castle, Semiramis opened up the portals to let the soldiers descend into the United Roman Empire. "Umu! Time to take back Roma!" The real Nero said before charging in with her Generals. "Oppressors! You will feel the pain of freedom!" Spartacus said before he jumped down from the gardens and crashed through the castle to fight the enemies. "Senpai, it's time for the final battle. Are you coming?" Mash asked (Y/n). "I'm ready to Rip and Tear until it's done." (Y/n) said after he put on the Doom Slayer's armor from Doom Eternal. "Senpai?" Mashu asked (Y/n). He didn't listen, instead he jumped into the action and started to be Doom Guy from the Doom video game series. He used a lot of weapons from the Doom Franchise, from the Combat shotgun to the Big Fucking Gun 9000 or BFG 9000 to kill the enemy soldiers in the goriest way possible.

But deep within the castle, one simple Lev-rechaun was watching the whole thing. "I think it's time for my ace in the hole." Lev Lainur said before summoning a Saber servant with a rainbow sword. "This world is Bad Civilization." The servant said before she slowly revealed themselves to Lev. "The Chaldeans will regret coming here." Lev said before he laughed maniacally.

(A/n: I'm so sorry for the late update, I was so busy with school and I don't have enough time to work on my stories but I will update my stories soon. Stay safe and happy reading.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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