6.- Detective In Training (part I)

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Detective In Training

"I'm sure Midoriya would make a great detective. kero"


Detective Tsukauchi  was walking through the halls and getting greetings from the students.

"Tsukauchi? You mean the detective that's been helping to investigate the League Of Villains?" Yaoyorozu asked, And Kris just nodded in response to her question.

He knocked then opened the door when he heard the teacher saying 'come in' allowing him to enter.
"Mr.Sumato may I borrow Izuku Midoriya?"  "Why Tsukauchi-san is something wrong?"  "No..  It's just something... Private." Tsukauchi said making a sign with his right hand. When Mr.Sumato saw the hand sign his eyes quickly widened and he was pondering weather or not he should agree but he decided and then nodded agreeing.

"Did Young Midoriya do something wrong? Is he okay? Is everyone okay?! Are they all sa-" Allmight asked in a worried tone and expression, And only to be cut off by Kris. "Y'know Allmight if you keep asking questions you'll not only spoil it for yourself but for everyone else in this theater."
"Bu-" "So stop asking." They all sweat dropped at the conversation. Sure they agreed to Kris's point,  but still.

The screen now shows Izuku Midoriya and Naomasa Tsukauchi in a quiet room.
Then Izuku decided to break the silence. "S-sir Tsu-Tsukauchi Did I umm... Do something wrong?" Izuku asked fidgeting with his fingers. Izuku didn't know what he did wrong and he was really worried for himself. 'is it that one time I went to the rest room in the middle of class?!? Is it that one time I decided to run in the halls?!? Was it because my presence has been disturbing the other students?!? What if I get EXPELLED!?! WORST!  WHAT IF I-"

'Same o'l Midoriya' They all thought. Except for Kris because their the one who wrote this chapte- HEY WAIT A SECOND! NO BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!  A/N - excuse my *cough* behaviour.

"Did Midoriya really RUN in the halls!?!" Iida decided to ask. Before Kris responded, they gave him a weird look then said- "Didn't you hear what he said? Yes, yes did he did run in the halls." immediately after Kris said yes he quickly stated that-"I shall lecture Midoriya for running in the halls. This is unforgivable! Especially for an aspiring hero! U.A. shall not tolerate that kind of-"  "WE KNOW IIDA" and a "SHUT UP FOUR-EYES!" And Iida was left slouching in his seat with a frown. "Man is Iida a robot programmed to hear disorderly behaviour?" Kaminari said. 1A Looked at him weirdly. "What?" "I didn't know that you had those kinds of words in your vocabulary" Todoroki said to put it bluntly. "HEY!" Kaminari shouted while a lot of people in the background scoffed and laughed.

Tsukauchi had a disturbed look on his face. Was this really the schools top student who aced every single test and even the pop quizzes. Cause it didn't seem like that to him who was watching the honour student mumbling his thoughts of being in trouble. "Midoriya-san? You still there?" Midoriya was snapped out of his thoughts and immediately shot up then said "I'M SORRY FOR RUINING IN THE HALLS A-AND RAISING MY MY HAND IN THE MIDLE OF CLASS AND IM TERRIB-" "Your not in trouble kid." Midoriya immediately had a clueless look in his face that said If-I-am-not-in-trouble-why-am-I-here-? Face. "We decided to give you... A bit of an...internship with me. You will help me in a case." Midoriya nodded. "Stain the hero killer" Tsukauchi said with a dark look on his face and Midoriya's eyes went wide.
"Are we going t-to try to hunt h-him down... A-Actively.?" Tsukauchi hesitated but answered. "Yes"

So did everyone in the theatre. "He-helping with the case of the he-hero ki-killer and hunting him d-down... That's insane"
Midnight stutterd. "THAT'S DANGEROUS!" Aizawa yelled surprising everyone in the theatre. "STAIN KILLED 17 PRO-HERO'S AND THE OTHER 23 OF HIS VICTIMS CAN'T EVEN BE F*UCKING HEROS ANYMORE! WHAT THE F*CK IS HE THINKING!?!" Aizawa yelled already fearing for his alternate universe students life, he was even pulling his hair out of frustration. He was probably one of the most worried - minus Inko, she was brought back to her home. Oh and Allmight.- about Midoriya. it was only made more obvious how much Aizawa cared for his students. Even if they were, problematic.

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