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Oh lord of the creation /existence
Indeed I have had enough restraints
The sins have shackled me
And I have had enough of this situation

You are a merciful God
Help me with your guidance
And take care of me under your protection
Accept my repentance
Wash away my sins

You are a merciful God
Indeed I have come as a repenter and gone
I carried the guidance
Truthfully in my life

You are a merciful God
Oh lord of the creation
I walked around the Earth,lost
I am searching for honour
Give me help

You are a merciful God
A tear that rolled down my cheek
Taubah (repentance )I proclaimed
Whilst prostrating for the Lord

Which my lips spoke
You are a merciful God

Which my lips spoke
You are a merciful God

Which my lips spoke
You are a merciful God



Close your eyes
Close your eyes and remind yourself
Sweet praise like fragrances
And make your vision for they piety of God
(And )love the green (i.e)clean and pure) way of life

And make your vision for the piety of God
(And )love the green (i.e )claean and pure ) way of life

Allah , the creator has excelled it (your life )
So you can enjoy it in purity
With things which He has allowed
What was once honey changed to sugar

We look to the universe .
We look to good
We look to our wife , or the birds
But when we look at forbidden things ....
What a shame !
This becomes a great injustice to ourselves

And we keep our eyes away from haraam with love (love for Allah)
As the two Angels count (our deeds )
And we look forward to the 'blissful' things in life
And its nature and we think and ponder on
We keep the eyes (vision) satisfied
with what he has ordered us



Words of poet Abdur Rahman Ashmawi
Are you fond of the hills and trees like I am ?
So you grant them light ,O moon?
Are you fond of them or have you simply taken pity
(And) then you came to share my restlessness .

Rest assured...I am determined
With a spacious imagination and continuous thoughts
We reside (in this world ) amd think we reside .
While in truth our days are passed in voyages
And we are befooled by the vanity of life
Then we awake on our awaited day (i.e) day of judgement

O, Moon
I have many tales
I shall cite to you ,the most dear and precious
I shall tell you about them as they contain accounts of devotion
(As well as ) compassion and victory
They also contain moments of emotion , desires
And tears as abundant as the rain.
You of course know plenty of them (i.e )stories
Since you embrace both sea and land

O, Moon
You have lead a long life
And you have associated with he ones who
have passed from our people
So , do speak to me about their affairs
And relate to me every incident
It (the moon) expressed thirst for such conversation .
And its radiance increased pleasing the eyes

Then the Moon spoke
And it said:
"Do you mean the taled of the gracious prophet (PBUH)
Perhaps you mean As-Siddiq ,(Abu bakr)
Or do you mean Umar ?
Do you mean the men who have terminated corruption
And revived the people with the guidance of the book (Qur'aan) ?

I'll tell you that
My eyes have seen the purest intentions
And the most inspirational lessons (lessons drawn from the storied of the companions )

Those are the people who had even taught dignity
Its highest conductors (had redefined the meaning of  dignity)
A lofty well-mannered prophet  (PBUH)
with his companions around him twinkling like pearls
Dignity sleeps at the very tip of his eyes
And awakens his voice at the early dawn "

O, Youth of Islam
Ourmpast nation has built great expectations on us
They built towers resisting blasts of corruption
And mocking deviancy whenever it appeared
Will you (now) strengthen your structure
with foundations of justice which refuses this corruption
And the one who seeks Allah's refuge,
Will be shielded from every harm .

Its difficult for the beholder not to see
the youth of Islam rejecting frailty
And my heart detests the submissive
walker (one who ignores Islam)
A man who'se despised among his peers

A man who'se ancestry shattered disbelief
Then that disbelief shattered him
When he forsakened his faith
He refused to adhere to (the religion)
of Islaam..

Heyy guys hope you are doing great and enjoyed the chapter
More coming soon

Love you guys ♥♥♥♥

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