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With love his lips were flowing
For the ummah was his goal
That he meets them with love
Those who believed in him without seeing him
That he meets them with love
Those who beleived in him without seeing him

His companions were asking
Who are your brohers stilk to come?
Are we not the chosen ones ?
The reply was...

You are my righteous companions
And they are my brothers in righteousness
Bright and shiny like birds
Beautiful , sweet and noble
Beautiful ,sweet and noble

From the fountain of Al Kauthar they will drink
And from my hands they will sip
After that, they will not be thirsty again
All thanks is due to you Allah
After that, they will not be thirsty again
All thanks is due to you Allah

For my beloved I am awaiting..
Oh my prophet (PBUH) the separation has been long
The yearning to meet you has filled up the horizon
And the yearning of the heart is so difficult

The tears from my eyes flow
The heart, out of love,trembles
And I stand at your doors
Oh my lord , I ask to meet him (PBUH)
Oh my lord I ask to meet him(PBUH)

By the fountain he will meet us
And with his companions ,he quenches our thirst
For Paradise (Jannah) is our hope
So do not forsake us oh our Lord
For Paradise (Jannah) is our hope
So do not forsake us oh our Lord




In the heart are feelings which I hide
The sun has shined over them (feelings)
Over paths which I never thought of
These (paths) which will take my coming days in different directions

So my life before the( Quraan) circles
was completely deserted , in waste and disfunction
Without he blessings of the Quraanic verses
The Halaqaah we keep coming to in order to preserve the verses

In the heart are feelings which I hide
The sun has shined over them (feelings)
Over paths which I never thought of
These (paths) which will take my coming days in different directions

So my life before the (Quraan)circles
was completely deserted ,in waste and disfunction
Without he blessings of the Quraanic verses
The Halaqaah we keep coming to in order to preserve the  verses

So I went forth to memorise the Suwar (chapters)
In order that I may pick the best of pearls
Blessings of the Quraan
So these verses are light in my chest
Which increase in their beauty over darkness

I dived with them (verses) in an ocean full of affection
Which carries whithin it,the names of Allah and the meanings
Increase (through it) with my Lord the Benevolent
In trust, action , love and yearning

And in the Quraan are testimonies which give evidence
To the methodolgy of the chosen one Muhammad(PBUH)
So that we may find through it the guidance , the Truth
So that we may find through it the guidance ,the Truth

In the heart are feelings which I hide
The sun has shined over them (feelings)
Over paths which I never thought of
These (paths) which will take my coming days in different directions

So my life before the (Quraan) circles
was completely deserted , in waste and disfunction
without the blessings of these Quraanic verses
The Halaqaah we keep coming to in order to preserve the verses

After remebering Allah ,my time was blessed
And my ability to memorise increased
The noble ability lightened up my life in guidance
And lit up the earth

My days increased in goodness
My speech and statements became more beautiful
Emerging out from the sweet fountain of Islam
I made good my intentions and character

So all praise is to Allah the Exalted
Who generously gave good , time and time again
For the hafidh (who memorised the Quraan ) ease and favours
And lessons which will stay forever in the heart

So all praise is to Allah the Exalted
Who generously gave good time and time again
Fot the hafidh ( who memorised the Quraan ) ease and favours
And lessons which will stay forever in the heart

In the heart are feelings which I hide
The sun has shined over them (feelings)
Over paths which I never thought of
These (Paths) which will take my coming days in different directions

So my life before the (Quraan) circles
Was completely deserted , in waste and disfunction
without the blessings of these Quraanic verses
The Halaqaah we keep coming to in order to preserve the verses

In the heart are feelings which I hide
The sun has shined over them (feelings)
Over paths which I never thought of
These (paths) which will take my coming days in different directions

So my life before the (Quraan circles )
was completely deserted , in waste and disfunction
without the blessings of the Quraanic verses
The Halaqaah we keep coming to in order to preserve the verses

Just something to listen to and be grateful for what we have , also to pray for Palestine , Syria ,Yemen and all other places being bombed .

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

Take care

Love u guys ♥♥♥

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