Letter 13: Breaking Point

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August 31st, 2011

Dear Isadora,

I'm done... I'm going to kill myself. I know I said that a lot but this time I mean it.

I'm still in this hellhole... I just want to go home and cut myself to death.

I wasn't even able to go into your room for your 3 month death anniversary. Isn't that just great?

I just want to die already. Why does the world keep preventing me from doing so? My purpose on this Earth is to be everyone's punching bag and ragdoll. And I genuinely cannot stand it anymore.

Leonardo and his girlfriend came to visit me. I was surprised. What did they want from me?

It was until I realized that his girlfriend was only here to verbally abuse me.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't the gay little freak who thought he could get my boyfriend... You're here because of a failed suicide attempt, aren't you? It's too bad you didn't succeed... What a shame."

She was laughing hysterically. I sighed and looked to her side and saw Leonardo looking down with a sad expression plastered on his face.

She elbowed him to laugh along with her and indeed he did. But I can tell that the laughter was fake.

It was until then, that one of the employees escorted them out of my room because it came to a certain point where she even wished death on me. I was mostly taking glances at Leonardo. I could tell he was holding back tears. I know this relationship is forced... I just know it is.

But does that mean that Leonardo doesn't hate me as the rest do?

Is it a possibility...?

No, of course not. Everybody hates and should hate me...

I'm just a freak after all...

A freak that should've been dead long ago.

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