Chapter 2

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Louis' POV

I rubbed my hands together in anticipation. It was time for our concert. We were all backstage at the moment. Me and Harry used to always hug before we went on stage, but we can't even do that anymore...

Niall came up to Harry and gave him a hug big enough to almost push Harry into me. I stepped out of the way and I felt a pang of jealousy. Why couldn't I do that? Oh right, stupid management.

"You all right mate?" Liam asked me concerned. I nodded my head slightly. Honestly, I felt a little sick, but I wasn't sure if that was due to me actually being ill or watching Harry and Niall laughing with their arms round each other.

"Alright guys, time to go on." Someone told us. We all nodded and I looked at Harry and saw that he was looking at me with an unreadable expression. He quickly turned away and followed all the other guys. I sighed and started making my way on stage.

We were well into the songs by now, and we were all having a great time. I looked over to Harry who was singing his solo. He glanced at me then back to the audience.

After another few minutes, I saw Niall jump on Harry's back. Jealousy swirled inside me. I know they are only friends, but it hurt. So much.

I tried to hide it by taking a deep breath and turning away, but I think that just made it more obvious.

Niall and Harry stayed close for the next song and when it got to Little Things, they both separated.

"I'm in love with you." Harry sung. He had such a beautiful voice.

"And all Nialls little things" He sung while looking me straight in the eye. My heart stopped right there. Niall? It used to be Lou. Little things is our song...It always has been. I felt the tears at my eyes so I started dancing around with the rest of them instead of standing there looking at Harry heartbroken.

Because that's what I was...


Harry's POV

This making Louis jealous plan was going better than I expected. Niall was helping out, though I had no idea why...

I saw Lou's face when I sang 'Nialls' and I wanted to stop and hug him, but at the same time, I wanted him to crack so he would run to me, so I carried on.

I swung my arm over Nialls shoulder and he put his arm around my waist. We were on a different song and it was Louis' solo. Niall started wrestling me and we both fell to the ground. Niall was on top of me laughing and trying to get up.

I heard Louis' voice crack slightly while he was singing and when I turned to look at him, he had his fists clenched at his sides and was looking extremely pissed off.

I saw Zayn go up to him and put his arm round his shoulders before smiling warmly at him. Louis loosened up a bit before bringing Zayn into a hug. Niall had gotten off me by now and I just lay there, looking up at Louis and Zayn.

So this is what Louis was feeling? Well...Two can play at that game Louis Tomlinson.

Just you wait.

Liams POV

Louis was getting jealous. Extremely jealous. He's always been the jealous one of the two. Harry was also looking jealous though when Zayn and Louis hugged. I saw something change in his eyes. That's how you know Harry is jealous, you look at his eyes.

We were making our way to the limo at the moment. I studied the boys. Harry had his shoulder on Nialls lap while Nialls hands were resting on Harry's stomach. Louis was watching both of them with a sour expression. He was so jealous.

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