Chapter 29

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Hi kitties


"Here is nothing." Vijay announced and I sighed. We were looking for the phone in which Lalit used to get messages but it seems to be vanished. We were looking in the place which he had rented in his wife's village.

"I don't think that he must have left his phone over here. We should search orget places as well." I said and he nodded and we come out of there and sat in the jeep and moved away to his original house and started to investigate but there also we didn't found anything and with defeat we left that place and went to police station.

"We didn't got any clue regarding that. We could have hot so much information if that phone would be in our hand." Vijay said and I could see that he was feeling defeated. We are way to much near to find who is behind all this thing but now it kind of seems impossible. But nothing is impossible if I don't give it a try. I have to find the truth. I tried hard to think of find the clue in the given information and something stuck my mind.

"There is a clue that could lead us to find the killer." Vijay and Garv's attention  fell on me.

"What is the clue?" They both asked me and I looked at both of them.

"Lakhan had told us that he had heard the name and that was of Pradeep. So now we have to focus on finding Pradeep." Vijay sat down on his chair.

"I don't know where we can find Pradeep."

"Maybe we could take help from his old brothers."

"I know one or two only.

"That is also fine because they can also help us to find more people related to him."

"Well this is not a bad idea. We can search for them. And who knows that somehow we also trace the location of Pradeep as well." Garv said and I nodded and we both looked at Vijay because everything right now depends on him. Pradeep is his family member and moreover is his brother.

"Why you both are looking at me only?"

"Because this decision depends on you only. He is your brother."

"He is my brother so what!? He has violated the law and had done what he shouldn't have done in the first place. So I don't consider him as my brother. Have you ever heard a police officer having a criminal brother?" We shook our head. "And by the way my brother had died the same day he had choose the wrong path to move forward in his life."

"That's  the spirit Vijay. That's the spirit and I believe that you can do that as well." Garv said.

"Aren't you over reacting in my words?" Garv and me laughed a bit before Vijay also joined us. "We shouldn't be wasting our time right now. We should leave and get more information." He said and stood up and went out.

"Guessing he had gathered enough confidence." Garv said and I nodded.

"That is good for him only. "

"I know that." We also come out and found him already sitting in the jeep.

"You guys are really lazy. Come on and sit down." I looked at Garv and we were mirroring each other expression before we entered in the jeep.

"So where are we going first?"

"Before we are going to meet the head of that gang." I nodded and he drove away and I felt my phone being vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and found at 10 missed call from Bhoomi and 7 seven message from her. I think she is crazy. I have opened the message option and send her the message.

I am busy right now. We will talk later. I send it and the next moment I got another message.

You couldn't have send me this before. By this message I got it that she is very angry at me.

I am sorry. I was busy with something.

I was worried about you and if you will be sending late message than it will only increase my anxious about you.

I am really sorry about that. I will talk with you later. I am on a mission right now. Love you.


I sighed after keeping my phone in my pocket once again.

"What is wrong?" Garv asked me and I shook my head.

"Nothing." I said and he didn't said anything and after few minutes more we arrived at the place and we come down the jeep and Vijay went up and knocked on the door and someone opened the door.

"Can we meet to Saurav?" He asked and the lady shook her head. "So when will he arrive, then we can meet him."

"Sorry sir but you will never be able to meet him."

"What does that mean? Has he gone somewhere for forever."

"Something like that only." I was still confused at her words.

"Ma'am please clear it." I said to her and her eyes filled up and I realized what could be the problem. She opened the door wide and we saw the photo of a young child hanging and it was having the flower garland around his photo.

"He is Saurav." Vijay said and I was bit shocked. So he is no more in this world.

"How this happened?" I asked.

"I don't know but I know that last year her had met an accident and when I reported to police they refuse to take the case. I know that this is not an accident but a murder."

"Why are you so much confident?"

"Because there was one of his friend who wanted him so bad to join his group. After so many years he was free from those drugs and smoking and this was happiness for us. He wanted to do something but before that life took him away. He had just started to do job but around two months before he started to get calls and he always used to refuse it and maybe they couldn't see his happiness and killed him."

"Who do you think could have done that?"

"Who else that Pradeep? He was more bad than any other boys." It didn't shocked me but I am feeling that there is so much mystery related to Pradeep only.

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