Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The following morning, Lyndy was in the kitchen cooking breakfast when Amy came down, Lyndy noticed how happy and bouncy she was.
"Good Morning sweetheart, you look happy this morning. Did you have a nice date with Ty?"
"Good Morning Grandma, yes it was lovely except for when we stopped at the bar for soft drinks and to continue our chat, it wasn't one of the rough bars it was that nice quite one and guess who was in there ready to cause trouble.".
"Oh, let me guess, Colt, he doesn't usually go in the quiet bar's."
"I know, he had a couple of his mates with him, and I went and sat at a table for two while Ty got our drinks.
Colt walked over saying horrible demeaning things about me , then all of a sudden Ty's voice boomed from behind him, it was quite funny really when colt turned round and had to look up at Ty, the look on Colts face was amusing then his mates turned up. I thought our lovely night out was going to be ruined, then two of our Ranch hands who were sitting with there partners came over and stood right behind Colts mates, they coughed and I thought they were going to wet themselves when they saw how big they were.
But the security guy's came over and escorted Colt and his mates out. "
"So after that, you guys were okay."
"Yeah, we had a nice time , we carried on telling each other our life's stories, and we laughed most of the evening."
"He's a nice young man, I'm glad you've found someone you like."
"It's a bit more than like grandma, he told me he was falling in love with me last night and I told him the same."
"So wedding bells in the future."
"Possibly grandma, we'll have to see how things go, but I really hope so."

"I was thinking last night that obviously not yet but eventually I'd need to build myself somewhere to live, I mean the last thing you want is a young married couple and possibly screaming babies in your house".
"Don't you be talking like that young lady, why do you think me and your grandpa built that extension on the side of the house.
We all lived here, me, Ya grandpa and your mum and dad and you.
You were to little to remember but that's why I live on that side of the house, me and your grandfather have a Bedroom with an ensuite bathroom and a Lounge room, we also have a small kitchen because we knew your mum wanted about three or four kids, unfortunately that never happened. Your mum and dad had this side of the house with four bedrooms, a bathroom, and yours was their bedroom with an ensuite.
So there's no need to build another house, and to be honest, I can't wait to hear children in the house again. "
"Aww, thank you grandma, don't think it will be for a while yet though".
"Time goes by quite quickly sweetheart".

"Ty,". "Yeah Duke". "Can you take a couple of the hands over to Herd 3 as I think there'll be starting to calf soon?"
"Yep, I'm on it Duke".
When they got to the cattle herd no 3 as they called it, they'd already started. They counted at least fifty calf's so far.
They all looked healthy, so Ty phoned and told Duke. He then asked them to go to the next herd no 4 and check on those, this was the busiest part of the season.

The police had called Lyndy to say they'd had a full confession from JD Werth and were rounding up all those who worked for him, it would take sometime to wrap this case up as they had to check all the land he'd acquired and if there was anything suspicious about the land grabs and sudden deaths. Not all the land would be able to be built on as it was classed as Agricultural unless JD Werth was going to try bribery.
They had charged the two they had with attempted Murder to start with but would keep her informed.

Eight months later.
Ty and Amy were still dating and were as close as a married couple, very much in love and Ty treated Amy like a princess, sure they had there ups and downs like other couples but there love and feelings for each other shone through.
Amy was well and truly back to healing and training horses. The business was good , and the cattle farm was doing exceptionally well .
The court case found J D Werth guilty and was given 15 years.
Dave Taylor was given 25 years for attempted Murder.
They'd arrested 10 others who worked for Werth, but none had done anything against the law and were released. However due to the way Werth had conducted his business and the controversial ways he used to get the farm land it was all handed over to the government's Land Trust as they could not afford to lose so much Farmland.
The land was given to farmers for cattle or sheep farming or both, but the land remained the property of the land trust. Many of the original owners ended up back on their farms but obviously never owned the land, but they were happy with the results.

Another month passed, and Lyndy was baking as she loved to do when there was a knock at the door.
Lyndy went to open it and was surprised to see Ty stood there.
"Ty !, why you knocking the door, you usually just walk in. "
"I know, but this is more than just a social visit, and I'd like to have a word with you."
"Okay, come on in and take a seat. I'll get us a coffee. "
Lyndy had a smirk on her face which Ty couldn't see, Lyndy had an idea what this was about, she knew he was a little old fashioned and admired him for it, If it was what she thought it was, Amy was 23 now and would make up her own mind but she grabbed the coffees and went to sit with Ty.
"Okay, what would you like to talk about?"
"We'll as you know myself and Amy have been together for over nine months and I love her so much, being the old fashioned type thanks to my parents and I know Amy is 23, and old enough to make her own
decisions, but I would feel more comfortable as you're like her guardian as well as her grandmother to have your permission to ask her to Marry Me. "
Lyndy knew he was nervous as Ty tended to waffle when he got like this. Lyndy smiled, "Ty you know how much I've come to care for you especially because of not only what you did for Amy but also because of the way you treat her, I also know how much you love each other.
As you said Amy can make her own decisions, but you coming here to see me and ask for her hand means so much to me, I don't think of you as being Old Fashioned, I think of you as being respectful.
So my answer is yes, but obviously, it's up to Amy.
Now where are you going to take her? "
"Well I thought tonight as in the next Town over,  there's a Festival of Lights and the centre of Town is all lit up, in central Park there's a large fountain and the main part moves and changes colour to the music".
"Oh my, that sounds very romantic, I have seen it but a long time ago. Is that where you're going to........".
Lyndy had to stop as she heard Amy coming up the steps. Ty nodded to Lyndy as Yes because they didn't want to give the game away.
Ty quickly got up and went to the door as in leaving and caught Amy outside.
As she came in through the mud room, "Apparently, I'm going out tonight, so I won't be here for dinner grandma".
"That's okay, love. I've sure Duke or Sarah may join me.

To be continued

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