Chapter 1: First Impressions (Bonecrsuher and Scavenger)

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"Ugh..." Bonecrusher groans as he slowly woke with the sun's glare hitting his faceplate, he sat up straight, " Primus, where did he send me to?"

After he somewhat recovered, he looks at his surroundings to find himself in a forest like area. Almost similar to that of Earth. Except the trees are really tall compared to his height.

Not amused since to him, any planet that has the same characteristics of earth is just the same, mud ball as he would call it.

Then he realized something.

'Wait a minute... WHERE'S THE REST OF MY TEAM?!' Bonecrusher he frantically looks around only see he is the only one in the area, he pinch the ridge of his nose in annoyance, he's angry at the fact he has to be in the planet he despise the most.

'...alright Bonecrusher, calm down. Just focus the task at hand. We are transported here for a reason, if that reason is to protect humans I have a feeling this is some sort of punishment! Because I figuratively and literally despise humans!'

He sighs as he thought, "...just focus! Rally with the rest of the Constructicons then help humanity...'

He stood up as he looks at his surroundings, and wondered to himself, "...but what should I protect them from this unusual creature, what are they? Aliens? Heh, maybe rouge Decepticons..."

He mused himself until then hears a growling sound, instinctively he turns around and pulls out his blaster and aims at the source of noise.

But he stood in shock by what he is seeing, "What in the name of the Allspark- A GIANT HUMAN!?"

What he is looking isn't a human, it's appearance does share resemblance but it's missing its reproductive organs, especially the fact it's naked and has a very disturbing smile on its face. The height is almost the same as his. It's a 15m Titan.

It's look and stares at the constructicon who just stares back until he states, "...okay... I just hope you are not humans I have to protect because I rather protect the small and squishy ones with clothes than you naked freaks instead!"

He hears a small growl and looks down to see a 7m Human crouch down looking at him. Bonecrusher looks at the weird human in caution as he demanded.

"What are you looking at?"

He got his answer when it roars as it jumps at him.

Prepared for this, he quickly aims his blaster at the creature and fired! The Energon laser hits square on the face as Bonecrusher sidesteps letting the creature pass by him and fall on the other side as it disintegrates.

"Gross..." he turns his attention to the other creature as it approaches him. The former-con lets out a small smirk, "Atleast you're not the humans in need of protecting!"

It roars at him as it advances towards him, Bonecrusher's left arm transforms into a driller and thrust it through its head, which he unintentionally hits the nape in the process.

"Here! Eat this you disgusting freak!" Bonecrusher taunts as his drill continues to penetrate the skull and neck of the Titan before he pulls it away.

He watches as the Titan falls limp and disintegrates, "Huh... that's new..."


He hears a familiar voice and turns around. Behind is Scavenger himself.

"Scavenger! You're here." Bonecrusher walks over to him.

"Ofcourse I'm here! Where else do you think I'll be transported to?"

"Well, anywhere." Bonecrusher stated, "...Whatever Prime has transported us to, he certainly has split the team apart."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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