↳ volleydaddies

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The atmosphere was tense as angry crimson met mocking amber- the males and their respective eyes glaring down at each other as neither dared to back off

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The atmosphere was tense as angry crimson met mocking amber- the males and their respective eyes glaring down at each other as neither dared to back off.

Nearby, the object of their affection was busy having an eating contest with the redheaded foodie and the frost-tipped owl captain- unknowing of the whole fiasco taking place at the moment.

"How about this..." Kuroo came forward, catlike eyes lighting up with interest and everyone sighed in relief for the tension breaker.

"If you win against us in a game of volleyball, you get to take Kitten back with you~"

"Deal," Bakugo smirked so confidently that for a moment Kuroo's irises flickered with a sort of slight hesitation until he covered it with a facade of mischief.

Kuroo began calling out for the players that were to play on his side; Tsukishima- who was good with his blocks, Hinata and Kageyama's freak quicks, the ace of Fukorodani, Bokuto. Along them was Daichi- who was the best with receives and Yaku playing for the libero position.

Y/N merely observed as the two groups played.

It was a tough game. Despite Bakugo's exaggerated spikes that placed volleyball prints all over the sand, Todoroki's cool (pun unintended) serves, Kirishima's steady blocks and Midoroya's agility, it seems as though the other team was rapidly catching up to them.

Soon it was at the tied score of 4-4.

One last point until Y/N was theirs.

In outrage and desperation, Bakugo screamed and yeeted the volleyball down towards the sand with his quirk. No one was able to touch the ball since it exploded once it was near the ground.

It was quiet until the freak duo complained.

"N-no way!"

"Boke! You used your quirks!"

The blonde epitome of a pomeranian offered them a glare so scalding it burned the temporary courage off of them. Bakugo proceeded to grab the startled catgirl and slung her across his back like a potato sack.

"NOO!" She hissed, scratching her sharp nails on his back, "MY FOOOODD!!"

"YOU'RE COMING WITH US WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!" Bakugo roared despite the pain of her scratches and trudged back to their side of the beach while she kept on hissing and scratching and reaching out for the volleyball players who sweatdropped.

"I WANNA GO BACK! NOOO! GO AWAY I WANT MY FOOD BACK!" Despite her tantrum, the blonde persisted to ignore her. The others watched incredulously until they were nothing but a speck in the distance- with screeching and explosions all the while.

√ 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐏 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍 ; 𝐁𝐍𝐇𝐀 𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐅𝐈𝐂Where stories live. Discover now