Chapter Six

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Love was here between us, we just failed to feel it until we were right next to each other, squishing love into our sides.


It took Aimée ten minutes to realize Christophe was gone. It took her ten seconds to decide to walk back to Christophe’s house.

And it only took her five minutes after exiting the park to become completely lost.

Passing the dented, battered stop sign for the third time, both Aimée’s patience and energy were spent. After another twenty minutes of aimless wandering with no sense of direction, no battery left in her phone, and no money, she realized that walking probably wasn’t the best idea.

She blamed Cassie for this mess.

Aimée wasn’t even the envious type. Reflecting on her years, Aimée was unable to recall when she ever felt threatened by someone else. It never occurred. Granted, she never needed to feel jealous before, but even with Christophe, she had supported, no, encouraged, him to talk to new people and make new friends.

What a great idea that was.

With wandering came the wondering. Aimée wondered if this was how it was always like to be with Christophe. To have annoying girls pop out of nowhere as if they were made of nothing but air. That would explain why they were such airheads.

Aimée frowned, despite having no one around to see. She wondered if Christophe liked having girls around. If so, this was a much different Christophe than what she expected.

Aimée felt an odd sensation against her flesh, soon followed by another. Facing the sky, she groaned audibly. The flecks of moisture continued to fill her pores and she didn’t know whether the rain was appropriate or not for the predicament she found herself in.

“You look very conflicted,” she heard a male voice call. She raised her head, eyes hopeful. Her face and mood alike dropped when she saw the face to the voice.

“Hello Dawson,” she greeted politely, walking over to Dawson’s silver BMW, its sheen blinding Aimée a little. “Sorry, just a bit lost.”

“Lost in thought or just lost?” Dawson asked, grinning up at Aimée from the driver’s seat.

“A bit of both, actually,” Aimée replied. “I was trying to get back to Christophe’s house.”

“I can give you a ride if you want,” he offered. “Five minute drive, thirty minute walk.”

Aimée hesitated; she could certainly think of worse things than riding with Dawson, like getting soaked, for instance. “I would like that, thank you,” she said, sliding into the passenger seat.

“So,” Dawson began casually once he commenced driving. “Want to tell me why you were in my neighborhood, a whole one over from Chris’? Kind of hard to believe he would just abandon you on the streets.” Dawson glanced at Aimée, disconcerted slightly by the intent stare of two large blue eyes. “He pretty much wants to glue you to his side at all times.”

“Yes well, not when Cassie’s around,” Aimée muttered, scowling.

Dawson sucked in a breath. “Oh, harsh,” he commented and Aimée nodded bitterly. Dawson smiled sympathetically. “If it makes you feel better, Chris really doesn’t like her.”

Aimée stayed silent until Dawson spoke up again. “Hey, I have an idea,” he said suddenly.

She looked at him quizzically. “What is your idea?”

“Do you want to go out?” he asked, scratching the side of his head. “It might take your mind off Cassie and Chris, maybe cool you down.”

Aimée sat back against the seat. She didn’t really have anything else to do. If Christophe needs to spend time with Cassie then so be it. She can spend time with someone else too.

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