Counter Prank

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"What? You set her up on a date with KIM SEOKJIN?! Why would you do that?".

"Chill Dongbin. It's not of a big deal".

"Still..... didn't she feel uncomfortable?".

"She yelled at me and kept whining but at then end, I won".

"No kidding".

Jihye and Dongbin were on their way to the university. Dongbin had asked Jihye how she spent her weekend only to find out that she was being a cupid. It was normal for them to talk about what they had done during the time they weren't together. The four friends since middle school had been together so they were very close.

"Oh and remember when you asked what me and Kimi were talking about at the party?".

"Yeah. What about it?".

"Well we both were saying how stupid Jaehyo and Seokjin are thinking that the other one doesn't like him or her, and how stupid you are to not realize that they like each other".

"Are you serious? They both like each other?".

"Didn't you notice".

"Ahahah...... no". Dongbin laughs awkwardly. He doesn't pay attention to these things. He has no interest in other people's love lives which is the opposite for Jihye. She loves things like these, match making and stuff. Dongbin only had one love interest that was Jihye. They've been friends for really long but he had developed feelings for her, unintentionally.

He didn't tell anyone, nor did he plan to. He was just bad at things like these and he mostly thought that he has no chance with her. One, because they are opposites, they agree sometimes but most of the time they're like North and South. Two, because lately she had been getting along quite well with Jimin. They both seemed like to have mutual interests, personalities and likes, making Dongbin doubt himself more, so he didn't really want to confess and make it awkward. He thought being friends like this is better.

"Why are you falling behind. Hurry up". Jihye calls out to her friend which had slowed down.

"Look there they are. Hurry up or this time you'll fall behind". Dongbin spots Miyeong and Jaehyo, waving and running up to them. Miyeong had texted Jaehyo to go with her that's why Jihye and Jaehyo weren't together, despite living together.

"You guys sure took long".

"No we didn't. You two are here early".

"How about we go hang out in the ground until classes start?".

"Nice idea".

Miyeong lead the way and the four friends went and sat on the grass. They shared things about their weekend, mostly Miyeong and Jihye teasing Jaehyo and Dongbin being curious.

"I really didn't know you liked Seokjin hyung".

"Well it's not something I'm announcing".

"Correction Dongbin 'like' not 'liked', got it?".

"Oh sorry, sorry. LIKE Seokjin hyung".

"Yahh~~ I didn't know you'd join forces with these two Dongbin".

"What can I say. You know what they say, if you can't beat em, join em".

"Not fairrr~~".

"You two were just bored yesterday weren't you".

"Yeahhh.... Dongbin had to prepare for a quiz today so I was left alone. What about you Kimi. What did you do? Spent your weekend with Suga~~rigth?".

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