Chapter 13 | "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!"

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As I walked into this empty lobby, I couldn't help but think if what I'm about to do is the right thing.

"Agent Haraya, it is nice to see you again. I heard that you finally moved into your new place just recently." The receptionist smiled.

"Nice seeing you too. Is the CM in?" The receptionist nodded before giving me a keycard. I thanked the receptionist before walking towards the elevator.

When I reached the CM's floor, I smiled at his secretary, who scowls at me.

"What are you doing here? I don't see your name on the list. Did you made an appointment?" I shake my head, no.

"Come back when you made an appointment." The secretary was about to kick me out of the CM's office when I aimed my gun at her.

"I don't have time for this bullshit. I want to see the man responsible for destroying my future." I said with a smile.

"Let her in. It's futile to forbid her from entering now." The secretary hesitantly letting me go inside the CM's office.

"What brings you here, Haraya?" I like how he just ask me as soon as I went inside his office.

"I would like to start a 'war' against The Academy, and I want The Agency to back me up. Is that possible?" The CM's reactions were priceless. I understand if my request seems impossible, but he should look into the bigger picture. If The Academy falls, The Agency will be just second in rank after the Volin.

I'm sure whoever owned this organization would love that.

"Did you perhaps had an accident before coming here? Did you injure your head? The Agency can't afford to lose its standing now. How can you be so sure that you could win against the Academy? Haraya, you need to think of others as well." I understand that the CM is worried about The Agency, but he needs to open his mind to other possibilities.

"The Academy has been around way before The Agency even existed. I will not jeopardize this organization's future for your selfish desire." We were both surprised to see a man suddenly walked into the CM's office.

"Why not? I like that idea, and I think it's the best course of action if we want the world to know about our organization

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"Why not? I like that idea, and I think it's the best course of action if we want the world to know about our organization. The Academy has dominated this field, and I would like to be on top of the rank. I like how you think, Haraya." This man offered his hand for me to shake, but I ignore him by asking the CM about his identity.

"He is the owner of this organization. You can call him the CEO." Is that's a codename? He looks younger than I expected.

"Well then, since the CEO agrees, why don't we just go with my plan? I will make sure The Academy will be within our control. Besides, I'm sure Lady Red informed The Agency about the person who is currently staying with me. I want to take The Academy back from the current head for her. I want to make her happy." The CEO and CM look at each other.

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