The Last Appointment Pt. 2

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Okay we still haven't done anything besides talk and watch the movie. I wonder if she has done anything with her girlfriend yet.

"I'll be back T I need to use the bathroom." I said and raised up, but before I got out of the bed Toni pulled me into a soft kiss.

The kiss was different than the other ones. I don't know how but it was just different.

When we pulled away she smiled at me and I blushed.

This shit is weird, I mean I know I've liked her since forever but does she like me too? Wait no shut the fuck up Cher she has a girlfriend.

"Cheryl?" Toni said waving her hand in my face. "Oh um yeah bathroom." I said and speed walked to the bathroom in her room. I closed the door and looked at myself in the mirror.

I look hot right? Why hasn't she made a move yet?

I waited a couple of minutes then walked out with a plan in my head...........


"Is everything okay?" Toni asked me as I walked out of the bathroom. "Yeah everything is good." I said.

After I said that, I reached the bed and Toni was still looking at me so I had to hurry with my plan.

I faked a yawn and stretched my harms in the air. I felt a clod breeze on my right breast. She's out.

I looked at Toni and her eyes were glued to my chest and I mentally smirked while on the outside I kept a nonchalant expression.

"That's better." I sighed and put my arm down. I then got back in bed, but this time I put space between Toni and I.

"Damn Cher why are you so far?" Toni asked and pulled me so that my back was against her side. She tightly wrapped her arms around my waist.

I could feel myself blushing a little because I didn't expect her to do that.

We continued the movie then all of a sudden I feel her hand trailing up my body until it lands on my boob. I gasped as she started kneeding it and rolling my nipple between her fingers.

I bit my lip and looked up at her to see her looking right back at me. I took her hand off of my chest and straddled her lap.

"Where's your girlfriend T?" I asked with a small smirk. "What girlfriend?" She said back. "That girl Alexis. I just want to make sure she won't get mad if we fucked right now." I answered and leaned down to leave hickies on Toni's neck.

"She probably would be mad..." Toni took a pause to take off my crop top and her shirt then I went back to my attack on her neck. " that's fine since I broke up with her this morning." She finished and I stopped what I was doing and looked at her.

"Wait why did you two break up and why didn't you tell me?" I asked a little upset cause she always tells me these things but I was also happy that Alexis was out of the picture.

"I broke up with her because she's just not what i'm looking for." Toni said but I rolled my eyes. "Toni that's what you said about your last girlfriend, and the one before that, and the one before that and th-"

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