Quidditch Rescue

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" Ready Harry?" Oliver Woods asks, Harry shakes his head, gripping his Nimbus 2000 harder. He gulps loudly, listening to the roaring crowd in the background. Before Harry knows it the curtain flies open and everyone scatters into the stadium. Harry takes off towards Draco.

" HARRY!" Paisley screams from the stands. Hermione takes her hand to try and calm her down.

" You don't want him getting distracted now do you?" Hermione asks.

" I suppose you're right, sorry." Paisley says, grabbing her Harry Potter sign and lifting it high in the air, waving it around. The game begins and the crowd gets louder.

Harry races around, trying to find the golden snitch. Draco on the other hand is too busy playing dirty and trying to knock Harry off his broomstick.

" Would you stop Draco! Do your job! Find the golden snitch!" Harry says in frustration.

" In your dreams Potter!" Draco says in disgust. The golden snitch flies past Harry's face, he starts racing after it. Draco follows, trying to speed up. Draco takes his wand and before Harry can do anything about it, he is free falling towards the ground.

"HARRY!" The crowd screams, pointing to him. Harry hits the ground and is automatically unconscious.

" I'm coming, Harry!" Paisley screams, running toward the ladder to get onto the field. Hermione and Ron follow. Paisley collapses by Harry's side and holds up his head on her knees. Tears flow down her face, " Hermione, do something!" She says, desperate to get him help. Hagrid butts in and picks Harry up.

" Lets get him to the nurse." Hagrid says. The four of them walk as fast as they can to the hospital wing. When they get there the nurse makes them wait outside until she is done helping Harry.

" You may come in." The nurse says, the three of them run to his hospital bed. Paisley sits down next to him and runs her fingers through his hair. When she realizes Ron and Hermione are watching her she gets embarrassed and quickly pulls her hands away and places them on her lap.

" We have to go but we will check on him later." Hermione says to the nurse.

" Actually, I am going to stay." Paisley says, staring at the unconscious Harry.

" Sounds good, take care of him for me." Ron says and takes Hermione's hand and kisses her on the check. She blushes but pulls Ron's hand and they disappear down the hallway.

" I am so sorry this happened to you Harry. That Draco kid owes you a huge apology, you could have died." Paisley whispers, placing her hand on his pale cheek. Harry starts coughing and gently flutters his eyes open. The first thing he sees is Paisley's beautiful shiny hair and beautiful eyes. He can't help but smile. Just what he wants to open his eyes too.

" Harry, hey, how are you." Paisley says, removing her hand from his face.

" Paisley." He says before drifting into a deep sleep again. Paisley smiles and grabs his hand.

Dusk rolls around and Harry is still asleep. Paisley grows tired but refuses to leave Harry. She crawls up next to him on his hospital bed and drifts off to sleep, even if it's against the rules. She's willing to get in trouble.

" Paisley," Harry says, waking up.

" Oh hey, sorry, I, I just didn't want to go back to the dorm rooms knowing that one of my only friends is hurting and in the hospital. I'll go," Paisley says, getting up from the bed

" No, it's okay, stay," Harry says, grabbing her hand and pulling her back toward the bed.

" Okay." Paisley says beaming.

" I have to get to class." Paisley whispers into Harry's ear the next morning.

" Don't leave." Harry says, still half asleep.

" I'll come visit you in between classes." Paisley says, brushing Harry's hair out of his face.

" Fine, see you Paisley." Paisley smiles and turns away, she begins to walk but then stops. She turns back around and stares at Harry for a second. He lays there, very peaceful. His ocean eyes are closed gently, his chestnut hair sits in a messy knot on his head. She signs and realizes she really likes Harry, not even in a friend way anymore. The bells rings and she quickly heads of to class, leaving Harry behind." How's Harry?" Hermione asks when Paisley walks into class.

" He's good, he's getting a lot of rest and should be better in no time, thanks to your magical medicines." Paisley says, sitting into her seat and unpacking her books.

" You didn't come back to the dorm room last night." Ron says butting into the conversation. Hermione elbows him in the side, "ouch Hermione!" Ron winces.

" Oh yeah, I decided to stay with Harry just in case he woke up. I didn't want him to wake up to no one waiting for him." Paisley says, trying to not make eye contact.

" I'm glad he has you as a friend." Ron laughs, emphasizing friends.

" What's so funny?" Paisley asks even though she knows the answer, she doesn't want anyone to know about her crush on Harry, at least not Ron. Paisley trusts Hermione but Ron loves to gossip.

" The fact that you guys are crazy in love." Ron says, laughing a little harder.
" Oh please, that's enough." Hermione says, turning her attention to the teacher. Paisley places her head on her hand and just reminisces about last night, about her time with Harry. She wanted it again so bad. She felt safe next to him, even though he was hurt.

" Paisley?" Mcgonnal questioned, trying to get her attention. Paisley shook herself back to reality.

" What was the question?" She asked, embarrassed. Ron bursts out laughing.

Class finally ended after what felt like forever.

" Can I talk to you Paisley?" Hermione asks, pulling Paisley to the side of the hallway.

" Sure," Paisley answered, even though it didn't seem like an option to say no.

" I like you, and I am so so glad we're friends. But please, could you make it more obvious. You like Harry!!" Hermione says.

" Shh!" Paisley says, putting a finger to Hermione's mouth.

" Sorry, that was loud. But please tell me about it, Harry is my best friend and deserves the best, and I honestly think you are the best. I think he may honestly like you too according to what Ron told me. Anyways, I don't want to be in your business but Harry is an amazing guy and you should totally go for it. Harry is too shy to tell you himself."

" Thanks Hermione, but I should get going. I told Harry I would visit but it's too late now, I need to get to the other side of school in three minutes. See you later." Paisley says and walks away.

" I'm going to do it, I am going to tell Herry how I feel as soon as he is feeling better." Paisley said to herself. 

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