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The next few months changed rapidly, the weather slowly started to change, it was sunny again, the spring flowers blossomed all around the castle. Umbridge had taken over the school after Dumbledore took the blame for the DA. Harry grew terribly depressed between losing his only family, Sirius, and the disappearance of Dumbledore. Harry missed him terribly, he felt so bad that Dumbledore took the blame, he mostly stayed in the dorms. Paisley had to convince him to leave the castle, which was nearly one a week. His lack of sleep started to show, and Paisley barley got anymore attention, still though she loved him and was ready to help him through anything.

" Harry!" Paisley said, bursting into the boys dormitory, even though she wasn't supposed to be there.

" Paisley, what are you doing in the boys dormitory?" Harry asked, covering his pillow over his head to shield him from the sun as Paisley pulled the curtains open.

" I have big news!" Paisley says, Harry moved his pillow from his eyes, looking at Paisley and sitting up in bed. He looked at her confused, " Dumbledore is back, after your stunt with Umbridge, he came back. The ministry no longer wants to arrest him, he's back, he's finally back," Paisley screams, throwing herself into Harry's arms. Harry can hardly believe it, he holds Paisley, trying to soak up this information. He pulls a shirt on and barley ties his shoes before bursting through the dormitory door and running toward Dumbledore's office.

" Harry, Harry! Wait." Paisley yells after him, he doesn't seem to hear her and keeps on down the hallway. Paisley let's him go, she decides to head down to The Great Hall to get more gossip about Dumbledore's return.

" Have you guys seen Harry?" Paisley asks, pushing through the students to catch up with Luna and Hermione.

" No, haven't seen him all day, he wasn't in any classes either, is he okay?"

" Not sure," Paisley says biting her lip. She goes to Dumbledore's office, hoping they just had a lot of watching up to do. She finds them in the Astronomy Tower, Dumbledore is sitting on the stair, holding his chest.

" Paisley, what are you doing here!" Harry says, pulling her under the Astronomy Tower.

" Harry, is everything ok? What's going on with Dumbledore?" Paisley asks, flustered.

" He'll be okay, I'm going to go get him some help. We went to find a Horcrux. He's just in pain."

" A what?"

" No time to explain, come on." Just as they are about to exit they hear Draco's voice. Harry motions for Paisley to stay where she is, so he can go see what's happening. He peaks up through the wood. Draco is pointing his wand at Dumbledore, who looks terrified, trying to talk to Draco. Harry's gaze falls back on Draco, Harry sees the Dark Mark, Draco is a death eater. Harry's mouth drops open. He draws his own wand.

" Don't you dare." Snape whispers, grabbing at Harry's wand. Snape tells him to stay, so he listens, still looking through the wood. As Snape walks through the Astronomy Tower, Bellatrix and other Death Eaters reveal themselves, telling Draco to kill Dumbledore. Snape then appears, draws his wand, and within a second, Harry's world is gone. His knees buckle and he falls to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably as Dumbledore falls out of the tower, dead.

" Harry, Harry, please, it's okay, you're going to be okay, you're going to be okay." Paisley says, trying to convince Harry, she cradles him in her arms, trying to calm him down. They finally get to the bottom of the tower, students are swarmed around Dumbledore's body. Harry pushes through them, running to Dumbledore, gently putting Dumbledore's head in his knees. They all point their wands to the sky, everyone deep down knows this is only the beginning, the beginning of the death eaters, the Dark Lord is coming. It sends shivers down everyone's spines. The following days pass by, Snape is now the headmaster so the days go by slowly. For the most part Harry sits in front of the fire, staring at the ashes where Sirius used to visit. Tears fall from his eyes. Paisley grows depressed just watching Harry sulk. She has never seen him so defeated, so down. 

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