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They walked for ages, until finally coming upon a sort of clearing, the sky finally lightening up as an orange tinge coloured the sky now. Gene, Hermione and Ginny were barely breathing by the time they reached the others, finding Mr. Weasley clapping another older man on the back in an embrace.

"This is Amos Diggory everyone, he works with me at the ministry." Mr. Weasley introduced him, and Gene managed a small smile, despite her weak body. "And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?"

And well, Cedric Diggory didn't exactly require much introduction. He was easily known as the most handsome boy to walk Hogwarts' halls. He was in sixth year, same as Fred and George, known as the captain and Seeker of Hufflepuff's Quidditch team. Gene had spoken to him once or twice at some Quidditch matches, when she wanted to annoy the twins.

"Merlin's beard. Genevieve Fiordalis and Harry Potter." Amos Diggory gave a short laugh of disbelief as they walked alongside him. "Great pleasure." he said, offering a hand to shake and they each took it.

Gene was still not used to the looks and praises of strangers whenever they realised who she was, and she imagined Harry was the same.

"Pleasure to meet you too, sir." Harry nodded with a small smile.

They carried on walking until they came upon what Gene knew to be Stoatshead Hill, a rather steep hill, Gene might have added. She clutched a stitch in her right-hand side as they finally reached the peak of the hill, finding what must have been a Portkey in the form of an old boot.

"Time to go. Ready?" Amos Diggory said, glancing at his wristwatch, as Gene went to lie on her front to place a finger on the Portkey, though it wasn't without a struggle from their large backpacks.

"Three, two-" Arthur counted them down and Gene prepared herself for the feeling, "Harry!" he exclaimed, and he quickly grasped onto the boot as they went flying. The feeling was much worse than travelling by Floo, Gene reckoned. At least when you travelled by Floo, you would land on your feet.

She groaned in pain, landing awkwardly on top of her backpack, the various items inside digging into her spine before she rolled over, eventually pulling herself to stand. Roars of applause sounded in the air around them, huge crowds gathered with tents set up all over the grass so that there wasn't a single patch visible.

"Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" Mr. Weasley announced with a smile as they joined the crowd now, taking in the sights around them. Music was playing loudly, with people flying overhead on their brooms in a chase. It was a sight to behold, much like the tent they were going to be sleeping in.

"Home, sweet home!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed with pride, gesturing toward a small beige tent.

They entered one by one, finding the inside was three times as big as how it looked on the outside. It had three separate rooms, along with a kitchen and two bathrooms. Gene imagined it must have been one of the newer models, considering the one in her attic barely had a toilet. Really, it was only a pot without a lid. Thank goodness Aurelia had no intention of ever taking Gene camping.

"Girls- choose a bunk and unpack." Mr. Weasley gestured to their room, on the far left of the tent and they approached excitedly. Gene unpacked her backpack on the top bunk, due to the fact that Ginny apparently had a fear of heights. However, this was news to her.

"I didn't know that about you, Ginny." Gene said, her eyes narrowed at the youngest Weasley, who simply shrugged her shoulders in response, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

And as Gene climbed onto her top bunk to test the waters, she soon realised exactly why Ginny suddenly had grown a fear of heights. It might have been the creakiest, most bumpy bed that Gene had ever lay across. Luckily for Ginny, who had just escaped her wrath, Gene was preoccupied, making her way into the centre of the room waiting for Mr. Weasley to finish scolding the rest of the Weasley's.

THE TWO WITNESSES | RON WEASLEY [BOOK TWO]Where stories live. Discover now