Chapter 22: I'll not Leave, Dumbass

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"I don't want to talk to you." Chelsea said crossing her arms talking like a drunken freak.

Chris sighed.

Sam, Sky, and Felix and he put her inside the car and turned into a park where they stand right now.

Georgia and the two men are left in the party and she is now starting to worry about her own life because losing Chelsea in her sight means bloodshed to whom lost the boss's daughter.

They started calling everyone Chelsea know and might be. Justin freaked out knowing this and suddenly drives off trying to find Chelsea.

They didn't let his father know any of it and tried their best to find her and stay alive as possible.

"If you don't want to talk, then listen." Chris answered and hold her both shoulders.

So she was forced to look directly into his deep brown orbs. Sadness, guilt, gladness? What is he glad of?

After staring contest with Chris she finally looked away and lean an ear for what he has to say.

"Lino was worried." He let go of her shoulders.

Her eyes widen and she felt her heart jumped out out of happiness simply hearing his name again.

She tried to stop her tears to fall but she didn't was too hard. She misses Lino. She misses her brother. She misses her home...

"We are going to go back to the party and kill it. We have a client somewhere in the there and I don't want you to interfere or get hurt. Please go home, Chelsea."

"I'm not Chelsea. Do what you want. I can not interfere, but my father...I can't guarantee that." She answered and look the others behind Chris.

"Please, don't die." She said and walked away.

Sam and Felix yelled her name but she didn't look back and just continue walking. She just walked. Walking away from all. Pretending everything is okay. Pretending she didn't hear any of it. Chelsea just chose to walk away from everyone and everything.

After walking and crying her eyes out Chelsea felt her legs go weak and her hands cold and numb at the same time.

The world swirled like a colorful candy sold outside your school. It's sweet but bad for you at some point if too much was consumed.

That candy was the same as her. The harder she pretend and walk away, the dangerous the things might haunt her and even her family.

Her head was aching like crazy because of too much thinking and maybe the liquor, her tears made her eyesight more blurry that it was already is.

Then her legs suddenly stopped walking. She lost her heels. Her right leg was bare and she laughed on her own dumbness.

She was so frustrated and started to scream. She screamed her heart out a lot of tears come after as if it was a reflex.

She felt her dress getting in the way and rip it until her legs are on display but she didn't care at all. She took off her heel on left leg and throw it somewhere.


She turn around seeing a man in suit walking closer to her. She didn't bother to look into his eyes and just cry again hugging her knees. Yeah, she's sitting in the middle of nowhere with this stranger.

"Why are you crying in the middle of the highway? You look.....crazy."

The man said making the last word and she sat up walking closer to him and see his face.

"Lino?" She mumbled but maybe he didn't hear it.

"It's me Justin. Now let's go home before blood will be spilled around the mansion."

She didn't respond but also didn't say no when he said they are going home.

Justin carried her into her room while she clung into his neck still sobbing softly. He explained everything and in the end her father understood and let it slide this once. Not a blood was spilled. Thank you!

Georgia help him to her bed and put the blanket over her to rest. After explaining to his dad Georgia walked into her room and changed onto her maid uniform and changed Chelsea's now ripped dress after.

She put her into comfy pajamas. Right after she finished Justin knocked. She opened it and left to her job.

He asked Georgia who is Lino but she said she didn't know and finally left after.

"Lino....I'm sorry." She said in her sleep and a tear escapes her eyes.

He shushed her but her sobs are getting louder when he did so.

He scratched his head not knowing what to do and just patted her head. She smiled and grabbed Justin's arm.

He was startled and smile after.

"Don't leave." Chelsea said and he answered."I am not leaving someone I like, dumbass."

After seeing "Sapphire" on her worst state like that for the reason he still didn't know made her heart sunk and wanted to kill whoever made her cry like that and gave her an emotion she didn't even deserve in the slightest.

And that sight made him know his true feelings for the girl. He likes her. He wants to protect her, like her, cherish her and give the love she truly deserves.

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