Chapter II

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(A/N) I'm sorry, this chapter is a little short and not super interesting. Please respect that I didn't have many ideas for it. Thank you! :)

The next day, you're back at the pizzeria before opening time. As you stand there waiting for the person who will unlock the door at 7:00 AM, you peek through the glass doors and look at the animatronics "powered off" on the stage, and let a small smile form on your face for an unknown reason. Finally, after waiting about ten minutes, the worker drives up in his car and walks to the door to unlock it.

"Early bird, huh?" He asks.

"Yeah," you say, "I enjoy watching the animatronics in peace without all the ruckus in the mornings."

He chuckles. You look at his nametag and see it's scratched out with "Mike" written over top of the scratched out name. You brush it off, thinking he'd just accidentally spelt his name wrong or it was someone else's tag that quit the job. His hands tremble as he tries to find the right key for the door, and when he does find it, his hands quake even more as he tries to put the key in the hole.

"need some help?" You ask, instantly regretting saying anything and making an awkward moment.

"Oh, uhh, yeah go ahead," He answers, "Sorry, sometimes my hands start shaking like crazy and I don't know why." He laughs nervously as he hands the keys to you still with shaky hands. You slide the key into the hole with ease and walk in, Mike following.

"Oh, I almost forgot" Mike said, "The first person or group to enter the building gets free pizza and drinks."


Mike nods.

You go and sit at a table and Mike sits down across from you. You each begin to chat, tell jokes and laugh with each other, and about ten minutes into talking, kids start to rush in through the doors, all laughing and playing already. Turns out they were all one big group, wearing the same shirts. They were on a field trip. The leader lady started to instruct them all about all the stuff you could expect, like 'Don't touch the animatronics' and 'Be nice to other people'. As she was talking, Mike went on and gathered up his waiter's writing pad and pen, knowing that he'll have to write down like 20 different types of pizzas.

"Ahem" The leader said after they all sat down, "we'd like five pepperoni pizzas, two meat, and two veggie pizzas, please."

"Okay," Mike said, "that'll be $45.19."

The leader looks at you with disappointment in her eyes, and you wave at her with a nervous smile. The leader "pleasantly" Pays Mike the money, and scowls at you, still with disappointment in her eyes. She looked about 30, with long curly brown hair and light skin. Just your typical middle school teacher. You figured she was scowling at you because she thought she'd get free pizza for being the "first" to get there that morning. 

As you sit there and watch Freddy and the gang preform, you notice a weird whirring sound coming from the safe room where you went yesterday.

"Do you hear that?" You ask Mike, who came over to you after he had taken the orders, "It sounds like some sort of machine. It's coming from the back room."

Mike turns around to face the door to the safe room, still about 100 feet away,

"Yeah. Yeah, I hear it all right."

You each stand up and start following the strange sound until you finally reach the door to the room. When you open the door, you're shocked, not ecstatic, shocked at what you see. Claw marks on the walls, even more paint spilled, and more blood on the walls. The room felt the same, and smelled the same as last time, but something was off. You then notice that your father is in a different spot as before. Last time, he was forward and to the left wall. This time he's forward and to the right wall. You notice that he's ever so slightly shaking, yet you still don't know where that whirring sound is coming from. You walk deeper into the room and to an old, rusty endoskeleton sitting on a desk that is clearly too rusty to just walk on over to the safe room without help. You check it out some more, and see your father's pocket knife sitting on the table next to the endoskeleton.

"This wasn't here." You say while picking the knife up off the table.

"What do you mean?" Mike asks.

"I mean this wasn't here yesterday. I sat it on the floor next to the SpringBonnie suit and now it's on the table next to this endoskeleton. Something is happening in this room, I can feel it."

Mike still doesn't understand.

"uhh, never mind. We'll talk about it some other time"

You each walk out of the room and Mike gets the customers their pizza.

You and Mike start talking for a while, and it's starting to get late as the customers come and go. Mike starts to close up the restaurant. When he finishes, he asks you if you're going home and if he can drive you back home since you had walked there that morning. You agree to let him take you home. Little did the both of you know, this wasn't the greatest idea.

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