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( The irony of us

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( The irony of us. The irony of what we will become. A prolonged destiny is still inexorable. Our fated demise, printed in the blood and your stars. )


No soul left behind, just emtpy roads and cities of nothing. Would the world decay, or would it grow? Without the chemicals of man-made substances, weaved to rot and burn the planet, the soil beneath our feet could finally blossom. It's no secret that anthropoids vitiated the earth, albeit, with time and their absence, it could potentially blossom once more. Vines covering the bruises, animals and peaceful predators adapting, fresher air, safer countries.

Our flesh is a curse, and our hands are the enemy.

With power, we turn to corruption. The only way out of this mess? Extinction.

But people still roam, and the world still dies, so this conjecture is nothing more than a conspiracy, arising late into the night when conversations are getting deeper, and a lack of restraint is dimming.

Mateo wore red, trickling down his nose in heaps, leaving him dazed with force. He'd been punched, hard, in the face, and so as he stumbled through the corridors, clutching onto the bricked walls, trying to prop himself up did he realise just how stupid he'd been.

Picking a fight with a seventh-year, and then letting their fist hit his cheek timelessly, over and over until he was on the floor, was a foolish plan. In truth, he could've taken the student on ( blind, with one arm, injured ), but he longed to feel the pain, to feel the power of another making jagged contact with him. Mateo had passed the first stage of his grief, being extreme sexual urges, and so he fixtated on the next craving his body presented him with: anguish.

The boy needed a buzz; just a few weeks prior to entering Hogwarts, he'd chained himself to his bathroom floor and flushed out his system. Drugs seemed to of dominated his veins for years now, albeit with a task, and a slither of freedom, he threw them to the abyss in hopes of a better, processed brain.

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