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Akil didn't know how to comfort her, he hugged her.

"Everything will be fine and she is always with you, so be strong, brave and be a fighter and fight back all these, Be Brave..!!, I am with you", said Akil and he meant it.

"So never hurt yourself..", he said.

Akil's arms were holding her stronger and Zara could feel that she was safer and more comfortable, after a moment she tried getting up and he loosened his arms.

They moved back and were sitting quietly, there was pin-drop silence in the room and only their heart thumping can be heard.

Zara opened her voice and broke the silence.

"So, what about you? Why do you live alone? Where are your parents?", asked Zara.

"Since I am young, I've been living alone. When I was a child, we were a happy family with Mom, Dad, and my brother. But one day when I was 4, my mom committed suicide and I don't know what happened. My father was a businessman and he was always so busy with his work. Later after I grew up, my brother told me why she killed herself. He said that she had an affair with a man and Dad somehow got to know about that and that man left her too. She felt extremely guilty and couldn't run on either side and killed herself. I was indeed completely broken and felt that she never thought of us, she never thought about me. She is a selfish whore, I never like calling her Mom and I hate her for leaving me alone. And Dad got married to another woman and I don't like her too, and after I grew up, I wanted to live alone", said Akil with hatred.

"So Mr. Ram, who we met some time ago, was  P.A of my father and he likes me very much, he spoke with my father and got permission to be my assistant and caretaker.", said Akil, and  Zara listened very carefully.

"Oh... It must be so hard for you... and so that's why you have been serious the whole time.", said Zara, and Akil slightly smirked.

"No, not much hard and yeah, that's why I don't like women because I thought that all women were like her and pushed myself away. In these years, Mr. Ram's daughter used to come here and she was younger than you, I had talked only to her, she was like my sister. And now, I was wrong, every woman is different.", said Akil.

Zara smiled and said," Every human is unique and different".

"Right, then why did you tell me everything..?", asked Akil.

"Because you asked for it, you wanted to hear, and you listened to me in patience, Thank you... I'm slightly relaxed now, It was really hard to carry alone.. ", said Zara.

"Thanks for sharing with me", Akil said gently and continued, " You may sleep in this room, Good night."

"Thank you, Good night.", said Zara.

Akil left and Zara was smiling she was slightly relieved and she closed the door. Suddenly a voice echoed back, "Good to see you smile"

Zara followed the voice, she turned and couldn't believe what she saw.

"Meesha!", stunned Zara.

Zara could see a transpicuous body of Meesha. Meesha was standing like a transparent glass in front of Zara.

"You can see me?...", said Meesha with a smile.

Hearing the voice and watching her, Zara was doubting herself from what she is seeing.

"Am I dreaming?", said Zara doubtfully.

"No, you're not. You can pinch you and find that you are dreaming or not", said Meesha.

Zara slapped her face and found that it isn't a dream.

"It's not a dream. Am I going crazy?", Zara asked herself unbelievably.

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