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"Then it is suspicious", said Akil.

"Yeah, we also did not read or mattered on any news because of the mental state we're in at that time", said Zara.

"Hmm...", said Akil.

"So, can you investigate it", requested Zara.

"Of course", said Akil.

"Don't worry, I'll do it, You will be busy with your project, focus on it", said Rohan.

Then Rohan, Hazel, Farrah get going.

Then Zara asked Akil," Who are you going to join with for your project".

"Of course, it's me", said Kennith.

"Internship or by yourself?", asked Zara.

Akil trying to answer..

"Of course only us, we have money, right, we can do it on our own.", said Kennith.

"What do you guys gonna do for the project?", asked Zara.

Akil trying to tell.

"It's a secret.", said Kennith.

Then Akil gave Kennith an eagle gaze.

"My bad, sorry, I'm leaving, I have work to do. I should have gone with Rohan. Byeee.", said Kennith funnily and left them alone.

"Some kind of social...pollution filtering machine for pure air", said Akil.

"That's great...All the best", said Zara.

"Hmm...yesterday", said Akil.

Zara paused and said," Shh...", She held his big hands, It was like a shock that spread into his veins. He could smell her aroma spread around him.

"Don't talk about that, yesterday, you were awesome.", said Zara.

"Then I'm leaving", said Zara.

"Don't worry about those bastards, they must be suffering right now, my brother must be punishing them, okay", said Akil.

"Okay, they deserve that, make them get hurt badly", said Zara and both of them smiled and waved their hands and departed.

Suddenly Meesha jumped out of nowhere.

"You frightened me, Meesha...Huh", surprised Zara.

"Ok, punk. Now tell me what happened?", asked Meesha.

"I won't", said Zara.

"If you are not gonna tell me, then I won't leave you alone with him next time and I will sneak into your bathroom, hehe", blackmailed Meesha.

"Agh, you were damn dirty", said Zara.

"Hahaha...then don't regret not telling me", said Meesha.

"Hmm...okay. Then give me a promise that you won't do such things as what you said that you'll do right now, you dirty monkey", kidded Zara.

"Ok, pro...mise", promised Meesha by playing with both of their hands.

"Do it properly", said Zara.

"I did it", said Meesha.

"Do it again", said Zara.

Then Zara, told Meesha what happened between her and Akil.

"Then...", said Meesha.

"Then what?... That solves", said Zara.

"Huh... for telling this you bribed a promise, you punk", said Meesha and regretting," My promise...wasted. I thought it would be somewhat hot. But you, there is no one around you, you guys should do something hot...hot...hottt", said Meesha.

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