Snow White taught me that true love will eventually come.
Cinderella taught me never give up even when someone tries to stop you
Aurora taught me that dreams do come true.
Belle taught me that looks doesn't matter. What matters is what is within.
Jasmine taught me money isn't everything. Love is.
Pocahontas taught me to stand up for what's right.
Mulan taught me that girls aren't weak.
Tiana taught me that dreams come true through hard work and determination.
Rapunzel taught me that trusting something that may seems daunting is the right choice.
Elsa taught me that love for others will sometimes mean to sacrifice your life to it.
Anna taught me that no matter what happens, family will always be there for each other.
Disney taught me something:
Happy endings
just appear
before you.
their hard times.
Disney Quotes
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