10 - Emergency Calls

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*TW- stranglation + usage of guns!!*

"Please don't do this." You whimpered, watching the two men. "Take anything, just please don't hurt him."

Ignoring you, the unsub pushed Spencer on to the bed next to you. Instinctively, you reached for him and half pulled him over to you. The look of pure terror on Spencer's face made your blood run cold. The unsub, who you could only assume was Jacob, had forced his way into the apartment. Somehow he'd made it into the building without alerting the team, and you had no clue when you'd be able to reach the emergency clicker or dial Hotch's number on the phone hidden under the pillow. You stayed cowered at the head of the bed, with Spencer next to you, watching Jacob pace frantically throughout the room.

"Do you want money?" you whispered, already knowing the answer. "I could grab my purse from the living room..." You shifted to stand up.

"Don't you move!" He said, voice cracking. "I'll kill you! I swear, I'll kill you both."

"Okay, okay." You said quietly, raising both hands in surrenderance. "What do you want from us?"

"Shhh. Just shut up! For one second!" He clasped both hands over his ears, still holding the gun tightly.

Sitting next to Spencer, you ran through multiple scenarios in your mind. One, you could try to quietly dial Hotch from under the pillow, but then you'd run the risk of exposing the phone. Two, you could find a way to get over to your pants and use the emergency clicker. But again, if Jacob caught you with it, you'd be dead. Literally. You could feel the nerves radiating off of Spencer. He watched Jacob with a close eye, tracking his pacing around the room. His hand found yours and you held on tightly, looking for any form of protection. You nudged Spencer gently, not wanting to speak, but needing to communicate with him.

What the fuck do we do?

You furrowed your brow, trying to match your expression to your thoughts.

Spencer looked over to the bedside table and noticed the missing phone. Looking around frantically for a second, he relaxed when you pulled his hand under the pillow and touched it to the phone. For a minute, everything was at a standstill. Jacob was still pacing, but he seemed to be ignoring the two of you. He was talking quietly to himself and you couldn't make out what he was saying.

Suddenly, he looked up at you. "Get up."

Spencer's grasp on your hand tightened. "Don't go." He whispered.

"I said get up!" Jacob said, voice rising.

Your legs shook as you slid to the side of the bed, throwing your legs over and standing up. You dropped Spencer's hand and dread filled your heart. This might be it.

"Follow me." He grabbed your arm and yanked you out into the hallway before shutting the bedroom door and wedging something under the door. "Don't try anything funny," he called back to Spencer, "Or I'll kill her."

You could feel the knot of fear growing in your stomach as the unsub led you to the living room.

"Sit." He commanded, nodding towards the couch.

"Please don't hurt us." You whispered again. As you sat, you noticed an unfamiliar bag sitting on the coffee table.

The kill kit...

Tears pricked the corners of your eyes, temporarily blinding you. He stepped closer to you, pulling an old looking nylon stocking from the bag. He set the gun on the table and stepped around so he was positioned directly in front of you. You were frozen. You knew, logically, now was the best time to fight, he had no gun, he seemed physically weak, and he was standing inches away from you. But no matter how hard you tried, how hard your brain screamed at the rest of your body to move, you just couldn't. You were completely and utterly useless.

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