29 - Internal Affairs

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The week home with Spencer passed surprisingly quickly. His injuries were slowly healing, and while he still wasn't completely healed, you quickly became an at-home nurse, taking care of him as best you could. It had been hard at first; Spencer refused to take the pain medication he'd been prescribed, so there were many long nights filled with Spencer's tossing and turning. But after a week, his ankle was healed and his fingers were almost repaired. 

Monday was your first day back, your first day on the job with Spencer as your boyfriend. You woke up earlier than him and showered quickly, savoring the last moment of quiet before your life was thrown back into its usual chaos. As you rinsed the shampoo from your hair, you heard a creak in the hallway. When you peeked around the edge of the shower curtain, you saw Spencer standing in the doorway. 

"Good morning, love," he said quietly. "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good, when your knee wasn't digging into my back," you teased. "How about you?"

"As well as someone with many broken bones can sleep," he joked back. 

"Are you ready for your first day back?" you asked as you stepped out of the shower.

Spencer leaned forward and kissed you on the forehead. "Yes, I found myself missing the tumultuous schedule of the BAU." 

"Everything here is too calm," you agreed. "We can only watch so much Doctor Who"

He laughed and replaced you in the shower, starting the water as you examined yourself in the slightly fogged mirror. You blowdried your hair and pulled it back as simply as you could before swiping on a little mascara and some blush. Feeling like a child again, getting ready for your first day of school, you stood in front of your closet, examining the clothes draped on the hangers, pondering your outfit. After a moment, you settled on your decision and started dressing. After putting on your undergarments, you pulled on a pair of brown slacks and a cream turtleneck, tucking it in tightly before pulling on a navy blue blazer. 

As you smoothed your jacket in the mirror, Spencer walked into the bedroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Your heart squeezed at the sight of him. Wet hair, droplets running down his chest, Spencer was perfect to you. He smiled as you grabbed his finger splints from the counter and pulled the plastic grocery bag off of his cast. He winced slightly as you fit them back over his fingers. 

"You look beautiful," he whispered, pulling you closer to him.

You giggled as his hair dripped onto your face. "You've got to get dressed," you said, stepping away from him and walking to your dresser. 

Ever since the accident, Spencer had been staying with you. Even though his apartment was right above yours, the two of you refused to be apart, and so the top drawer of your dresser had been dedicated to Spencer, and half of your closet held his things. You retrieved a pair of socks and boxers and laid them on the bed. Spencer stood at the closet for a moment before grabbing his own clothes. He dressed in khakis and a white button-down, pulling a maroon sweater on top and promptly getting his cast stuck. The two of you laughed as you helped him tug the tapered hem of the sweater over his cast so it rested just above the hardened plaster. 

"You look beautiful," you repeated, pushing yourself up on your tiptoes to kiss him. 

He laughed and smoothed his hair back, leaning down and kissing you back. You led him to the living room, pulling on your boots while he slid on his loafers. Both of you grabbed your leather work bags from their spot on the couch before leaving the apartment. 

The brisk morning air rose the goosebumps on your arms as you walked to your car. And soon you and Spencer were both piled into your car and driving to work. His hand rested on your knee as you drove. You smiled as Spencer explained the symbolism that relates to the oak trees that lined the road. 

He tightened his hold on your knee as you pulled into the parking lot of the building. 

"Are you ready?" He asked as you parked the car. 

"As ready as I've ever been."

You climbed out of the car and walked around to his side and opened the door. He smiled and took your hand, pulling himself out of the car. He handed you your bag and slung his own over his shoulder before taking your hand again and walking to the elevator. 

When the heavy metal doors slid open, there stood all seven of your co-workers. 

"You're here!" 

Garcia pulled you and Spencer into a tight hug, ignoring Spencer's complaints. The two of you were passed around, moving from embrace to embrace until you found yourselves standing in front of Aaron Hotchner. 

"Welcome back," he said, giving the two of you a slow once over. His eyes lingered at your hands, which were still holding each other. "I'll need to speak to the two of you in my office before anything." He turned and walked briskly towards his office, with you and Spencer following quickly behind. 

He sat at his desk, while you and Spencer took the two leather seats sitting across from him. It was quiet for a moment while Hotch searched a desk drawer for something. He turned back to you holding a manilla file in one hand. 

"I'm sure you both understand what needs to be done now that you have entered a romantic relationship with each other, am I correct?" 

"Yes, Sir," you said quietly, glancing at Spencer. Spencer nodded as well while Hotch continued.

"You'll need to answer a few questions, and your file will be submitted to internal affairs. If something were to happen between you two, you'll need to let me know so that file can be terminated." You both nodded again while he opened his file. "First things first, have you both consented and agreed to this relationship?"

"Yes, Sir," you both said at the same time.

"You both understand that you're free to leave this relationship at any time?"

You both nodded. "Yes, Sir."

"If the social relationship should end, do you both agree that you won't allow the end of the relationship to negatively impact your work relationship?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Will you both agree to act appropriately in the workplace, limiting displays of affection and or personal arguments?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Have you both read and reviewed the BAU's sexual harassment policy?"

Spencer nodded immediately, while you shook your head. "Sorry, Hotch. Can I borrow a copy?" 

He nodded and opened the file cabinet behind him, pulled out a thin stack of papers, and handed them to you. "Make sure to read that by the end of the week. Now, back to what I was saying. "Do you both acknowledge that the relationship between you does not violate the BAU's policies and that entering into the social relationship has not been made a condition or term of employment?"

"Yes, Sir." You said in unison. 

"Okay, I'll need you to both sign and date right here," he said, sliding the file across the desk. 

You took a pen out of the cup on his desk and signed your name on the first line, with the date next to it. Spencer snagged the pen from you and did the same on the line below yours. He handed Hotch the file, and it was placed on the top of the stack next to him.

"Okay, now back to work. Today's a file day, you both have things to do, but I know the team wants to catch up, so take it easy."

You both nodded and stood to leave. You were out the door before Hotch called you both back in.

"Oh, Spencer?"

"Yes, Sir?" 

"Don't let Morgan sign your cast, okay? I've heard whispers about what he plans to write, and let's just say it's not necessarily work appropriate."

Spencer laughed and agreed not to let Morgan anywhere near his cast, then you two left Hotch's office and walked hand in hand to your desks. Before you sat down, before the team bombarded you with questions, and before this quiet moment was gone forever, you leaned forward and kissed Spencer gently on the cheek.

"Let's get to work."

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