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Stop calling me that.

His words echoed through my head as I sat on the floor bleeding out, I didnt really notice the pain I assumed I was going into shock or something like that. I was trying to wrap my head around the situation. Higuchi was here. . . Akutagawa was here. . . I was in a warehouse. Why was I in a warehouse. My vision started to blur as the feeling of light headedness started to set in. I hadnt seen Akutagawa since. . . fuck my heart hurt. I clenched my eyes and opened again trying to fight off the dizziness. I cant pass out here I am in danger and I have to get up I have to do something. I looked down for the first time. Shit I whispered under my breath, I was sitting in a pool of blood puddling under me on the concrete. It looked like I had been shot in the stomach, not good.

Adrenalin still going through me keeping the pain away I started to lift myself up from the floor when another loud bang let off but before I could react a black mass was around me and I felt my body lift off the ground. Rashmon I thought but everything was so chaotic and fast, I know I lost a lot of blood I couldnt focus on what was all going on around me. My vison felt like Tv Static. I was losing consciousness; Shit I was going to pass out.

Atsushi you have to keep your eyes open

My eyes snapped open at the closeness of that voice. Our eyes meeting for the first time in months I felt like I was going to be sick as I was only inches away from those grey eyes. His face scrunched with something I couldnt place right now. I looked down Oh I said he was carrying me and we were running. He had blood splattered all over his white shirt. several gun shots fired in the distance they didnt sound close but I flinched. I had no idea the situation only that I was shot I was bleeding and Akutagawa was saving me I think.

Atsushi are you awake?

His voice sounded scared

Ive been shot

Was all I could say my brain not processing the situation. I must of blacked out a little and I couldnt quit put together the pieces. His voice broke my thoughts

higuchi shot you, im trying to get you somewhere safe but you need to stay awake, keep your eyes open you lost a lot of blood and youre not healing.

Higuchi shot me? why am I not healing?

My head felt light again like I was going to pass out when Akutagawa set me down in some room we were now in. I groaned, pain so strong was starting to go through my like waves and vomit building up in the back of my throat ready to overflow at any minute. I looked up as he was standing over me looking down. His face plastered with what looked like a few different emotions. I watched as he knelt down beside me and started lifting up my shirt.

Stop what are you doing ?!

He didnt even look up at me

Youve been shot with special bullets that wont let you heal, we have to stop the bleeding or you will die.

I stopped protesting and watched as he continued lifting up to were the bullet pierced me. a small gasp escaped his mouth and his eyes widened he looked paler then normal.

Is it really that bad? I groaned

He looked back up at me and tried to smile but it ended up looking more terrifying then comforting

Its not..uh well its a bullet wound.

I tried to take a deep breath but the movement sent me sweating from the pain. This really wasnt good. My thoughts and dizziness from earlier were clearing being replaced now with pain I had never experienced before and panic.

Aku I whispered I dont want to die.

His eyes widened even more the before with a distraught expression on his face

Jinko I wont let you die.

His voice shook when he spoke giving away the lack of confidence he had. he finished up with a make shift wrap of sorts to compress the wound. He then took off Rashmon and handed it to me

Here I need you to put this on.

Why I questioned.

He let out an sight We dont have time to argue cant you just listen for once. Put it on and ill help you up.

He wasnt wrong if Higuchi was the shooter she was still out there somewhere looking for us. I gently slid on Rashmon wincing from the pain but I couldnt help but notice how it smelled like him and how I missed that.


He said firmly holding out a hand down to me, I reached back taking it was he pulled me up as easy as possible from the ground. Instantly I felt the emptiness of my hand as he let go turning around looking at where we hiding in. I did the same surveying the room. It looked like some sort of closet but bigger a few empty shelves containing tools and other varying objects. Some old boxes in the corner. i still had no idea what was even going on as I recalled that Dazai only sent me here to check things out around here. Akutagawa was no riffling through the shelves and empty boxes.

Whats going on? Why are you guys even here and why was I shot?

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