Running 2

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Jinko had lost so much blood the site alone made me sick to my stomach. He was going to die if I didnt do something fast and though its not my fashion to run we had no choice. I had no idea if Rashmon would be able to hold back Ichiyos bullets at this point. The whole situation itself brought so many questions up that I didnt have the time to get the answers too. The only thing for certain was that we had to get out of here and I had to get Jinko to safety.

I took a deep breath as I started going through the boxes and junk on the shelves. I was looking for anything at this point that could be used as a weapon or means of escape. once we were out we would run to the agency. They had that one doctor there that could save Jinko and their people were more then enough to take Ichiyo down by herself.

Why was I shot cut through my thoughts. I turned to look back him. He looked bad we were running out of time. My heart was racing, I turned back to the shelves to keep digging finding a box cutter and a set of screw drivers. Okay this could work.

It appears that Ichiyo has found out about our previous engagements and shes angry.

I heard him take in a sharp breath, turning around I handed him the box cutters.

Here take this. She has bullets with Dazais ability in them somehow thats why you cant heal.

Before he could say anything we heard gun shots again off in the distance but these sounded a little closer then the previous ones. i focused back down at him

Can you run? We have to leave now and look for an exit.

He didnt answer instead he looked spaced out off in thought.

Jinko I said more firmly placing a hand gently on his shoulder, We have to leave now can you run or do you need me to carry you?

As if he snapped back to reality he just nodded his head. I turned taking a step towards the door when I hard a sharp whine from him. snapping my head back to face him he was holding his stomach in pain. I guess that answered my question. I moved to him quickly and crouched down. I was definitely going to have to carry him. he hadnt moved yet as I turned to look up at him eyes wide and glazed over.

Get on ill carry you youre in too much pain clearly

I watched as he just nodded and climbed on my back my arms under his legs holding him place. I took a deep breath. Long as she wasnt behind us or I accidentally get us backed into a corner well be fine. I wasnt exactly confident with the layout of the warehouse, but I knew the general direction of the exits. I took another deep breath; we can do this. Jinko will be safe soon. My hand on the doorhandle I counted mentally down to 1 and opened the door.

We were clearing distance fast, an exist was coming up soon. I hadnt heard gun shots since the storage closet though I didnt think that was a good thing.

Jinko are you still with me?

He hadnt said a single word since wed been running and I cant have him fall asleep I know better then anyone the outcomes that could happen remembering my own incident that happened. No response.

Jinko I said more firmly while reaching down to one of his legs giving it a small tug. He then let out a small groan. He was probably really feeling the wound now

Yeah, yeah Im here.

I let out a sigh of relief

You really cant fall asleep. I could lose you if you do.

Instantly my face heated up I didnt mean to say that. I felt my heart race even harder than it was but if I was honest the only difference between my normal day to day life in the port and now was that his life was in danger. I couldnt imagine a world where we both didnt exist, I wouldnt allow a world like that.

He kept silent I felt his grip around my waist give a small squeeze as if to affirm he heard me. So I kept going pushing for us to reach that exit, his time was running thin.

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