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"Is Trevor mine?" I asked.

She frowned, "What?"

"Is he my son?"

"Why would you even ask that?"

"Just answer the question."

"Yes!" She snapped. Maybe she really didn't know. I sat the paperwork on the table.

"Then why does this say otherwise?" I asked sliding it towards her.

"Please tell me this is a joke." She said. I looked away as she picked up the paper and scoffed, "You tested our son?!"

"Your son."


"It's right there in black and white." I said in my defense.

She read the results and frowned,"This has to be a mistake."

I sighed, "Look. I'm not saying you did it on purpose. I mean, you were only back two months when we slept together. Maybe you were already pregnant with Omar's baby-"

"NO! That's impossible."

"Is it?"

She looked at me as if I had taken a knife to her chest.

Her eyes watered, "I get it. This was your plan all along. Getting with Valerie and treating me like dirt wasn't enough. So you went for making me think you still loved me only for you to continue to humiliate me more? Well great job Kenny." She said walking away.

I got up from my desk and walked around it.

"Toni that's not the case at all." I said grabbing her hand before she could get to the door.

She snatched away from me before looking down.
"Who's that one for? Karsyn?" She asked pointing to the paper in my pocket.


I was cut off as she grabbed it. She opened it and read over it.

"Who's Karter?" She asked looking up at me.

I palmed my face before answering, "Apparently he's my son." She threw the paper at me and walked out. I grabbed her again, "Toni-"

I was suddenly smacked across the face.

"All this time I let you do that stuff thinking I deserved it because I hurt you, but you did it first."

"I didn't know." I said.

"I can't even look at you right now." She said walking away.



I had so many emotions running through me I didn't know what to do. How could he do something so crazy? This just shows after all these years, there's still no trust. I quickly wiped my tears seeing Trevor come inside.

"Mommy it's cake time." He said.

"Okay come on." I said grabbing his hand as we walked back outside.

He turned around, "Daddy, are you coming?"

"No, he's not feeling well." I said before Kenny could speak.

We rejoined everyone outside as Melanie helped get the kids gathered around the cake.

"Hey, where's Kenny?" Claire asked.

"Who cares, let's just get this over with."

"What's going on?"

Before I could speak, Trevor called again. "Mommy!"

"I'm coming." I said before leaving Claire with her question. I lit the candles on the cake before facing the kids, "Okay everyone, we're going to sing Happy Birthday in the count of 3. 1.....2.......3!"
They sang as Trevor smiled from ear to ear. I felt my heart grow heavy. How could Kenny just deny him like that? It's crazy.
After cutting the cake, I left Claire and Trent in charge before sneaking off into the house.


I had been in my office for what felt like hours. I don't even know how to fix the mess I made. If anything I needed to talk to Toni.

I walked out and saw Melanie at the front door handing goodie bags to kids as they left with their parents. I can't believe one day she and Trent will be planning parties for their future kid really soon.

"Have a good night." She said to a little girl as I approached.

"Mel, have you seen Toni?" I asked.

"Yeah, she went upstairs. Is everything okay? She looked upset. I thought maybe it was something with Kira." She said.

"I'm not sure, I'll find out. Thanks." I said not wanting to say what was going on just yet.

I ran upstairs and found Toni putting a few things in a small bag. I sighed closing the door behind me.

"Tone, we need to talk about this."

"There's nothing to talk about. This marriage is a joke to you." She said.

"It's not, I just wanted to be sure. I didn't test him to hurt you." I explained stepping further into the room.

"Well you did!" She snapped. Shaking her head, "But don't worry, my son and I will be out of your life for good really soon. Maybe you can make some room for your new son and your babymama." She said.

"Look, I really didn't know."

"What? That you cheated or that you had kid out there?"


She scoffed, "Wow."

"I must've been drunk or something. It's been over a decade I don't remember. Then she shows up saying that I'm the father of her child. I told her I needed a test."

"And in the midst of that, you thought you'd test Trevor too."

"I mean, her kid sorta looks like me, Trevor doesn't." I exclaimed.

She paused, "You're despicable."
With that she grabbed the bag and walked out of the room. I groaned going after her.


"Trevor, come on." She said halfway down the stairs.

"Bedtime already?" He whined.

"No, we're just going for a drive." She said picking him up.

"Okay seriously, what's going on?" Claire asked looking between us.

"Ask your brother." She said before opening the door to Kira.

"Hey, I'm here." She said excitedly as her boyfriend stood behind her.

"Kira!" Trevor cheered as Toni put him down.

Kira hugged him, "Hi, happy birthday."

"Where were you? You missed my party."

"Trevor come on." Toni said grabbing his hand as she stared down Kira's boyfriend. I have yet to get to the bottom of whatever happened.

Kira sighed, "Mom, I'm sorry I-"

"Whatever Kira." Toni interrupted leaving with Trevor.

Kira faced us, "What was that?"

"Apparently we should be asking your father." Claire replied as everyone faced me for answers.

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