Dear Diary: Entry One

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October 5th 2020
Dear Diary, It’s cold. I refuse to get up and turn off the fans. I like the sounds its blades make as it pushes past particles of air. It makes me feel less alone: News Headlines, only distract me for so long. The A/C’s broken, something about a horrid smell wafting through it. 

Mom’s out again, having to visit her friend whose back is “Acting up -- not doing its job.” I didn’t listen much to her rant, her voice never failed to annoy me. At this points my hands clench into fists on impulse before her mouth even opens, so, she’s going to be gone for a while. 

Jack said he would keep me company tonight, the offer was nice but, when has he ever kept his promises?

It would be so easy for me to just run away right now. Open my window: Grab my bag under the bed, sling my phone inside, steal moms hidden away cash: hold onto the window sill ready to jump --

I could just leave. 

What are the odds that I would escape one hell only to be thrust into another one?

I’m trying to ignore it, the furious, incessant, frantic, tapping against the window. The sound blending in with the music blasting in the room: ‘Hush little baby.’ Each time it ends, it plays right back up, and each time the tapping grows louder. 

It no longer sounds like fingernails hitting the glass. It’s more -- Metallic? 

I can hear it buckle each time it braces itself before slamming against the glass. I can hear whatever it is, scrape against the window. I could look over, but I know I’m better off not knowing.

The phone’s been buzzing nonstop. I know it’s not Jack, he’s been locked out of the house like all bad dogs, banging against the window, weeping through his gag. 

At this point, I apologise if my handwriting is illegible, Diary, I did not mean for your pages to get smudged by the faucet of blood which refuses to stop. 

I guess it’s time to silence Jack now. He had such a beautiful home. Hiding in the A/C all those days proved to be useful. 

I should probably take their phone too. Change the number, delete everything -- Moms really do have a lot of friends don’t they?

Today’s house was nice. Let’s see if Jacks screams are as delightful to hear without the gag as my blade runs over his lips. Now that he’s awake, I have no need to keep the fan running. I wonder what tomorrows headline will be?  Hiding in the A/C all those days proved to have a good outcome for me after all.  

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