• Rules •

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1. Don't shop hop. If you don't plan using my cover in the first place, don't request.

2. You have to use my covers as soon as you claim them. I absolutely do not care why you can't immediately use my cover after claiming it, if you cannot use them, simply don't claim and I'll turn into a premade (and you will go into my blacklist).

3. You have to claim your order within 10 days after I've posted it. 10 days is a long time, I understand sometimes people don't check on wattpad, or sometimes they get a little too busy notice, but 10 days is more than enough. If you decide to take a break from wattpad and think that you may miss this time limit, it's your responsibility to inform me prior to disappearing. I will not run after you and will turn the cover into a premade.

4. Fill out the form completely in one single comment (nobody likes a scattered form). If you feel like you've missed something, simply reply to your own comment (P1 is your favourite Disney character). Do not PM me the form! It will be ignored.

5. Please be polite. If you feel like I'm making a mistake somewhere or not doing something right or that you want something to be different, you can tell me politely.

6. You have to use my cover for minimum 3 weeks after claiming it. Don't. Make. Me. Run. After. You. With. A. Carrot. It's a very simple rule. If you want to change the cover after three weeks, feel free to do it, but not before that. I've put in my time and effort in the cover, I would very much prefer if it's not just thrown away without being used.

7. If you happen to not want to use the cover, please let me know so that I can turn it into a premade. You don't have to claim a graphic you're not feeling satisfied with, I will not pressure you to do so (P2 is any song starting from the first letter of your username). But, you have to give me a valid reason about why you don't want to accept it (this is just so that I can improve, and to ensure that you weren't just wasting my time for fun).

8. I will take an order of 2 graphics at a time. Once your request is completed, you can fill out the form and request again. There's no limit to how many times you can request.

9. It's not mandatory for your book to be already published as long as you will publish it within 1 week of request delivery. I will check!!

10. Complete the payment properly. I'm not demanding anything huge, so please complete the payment. Again, don't argue with me about the payment, please.

11. Be patient.  If your request has been accepted I will complete the request! Please understand that I have school going on, I have a personal life too.

12. I reserve the right to decline your order if I do not feel like I can satisfy you.

13. Do not remove my watermark. I will be keeping it very small, please don't remove it as it's a mark that the cover has been made by me. If you do, I will come after you with a carrot -_-

I'm sorry if I sounded harsh above, I really don't like to be rude but some people weren't willing to follow the rules in my original graphic shop.

Failure to follow the rules will lead to you being banned from any of my graphic shops.

I really really do not like running after people to listen to me. It already takes a lot of guts for me to admit that I'm disappointed in you, and I hate having to bicker with people to follow these rules. Now that we're through we that, Bunny loves you all (yes, even the ones she doesn't know) 💖

If you have any questions,
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If you have any questions, comment here--->

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Jasmine || A Cover Shop (1.0)Where stories live. Discover now