[M] Mother Tiffany Knows Best

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This chapter contains smut/mature incest content. This chapter will include sexual scenes/dialogue which is may not be appropriate for younger/certain audiences. If you are under the age of 18 or if you are uncomfortable with smut and/or incest, please stop reading and leave immediately. Viewer discretion is advised.

Requested by: BabyChaeminnie 


"Dude. Want to come over later?"

"Wish I could. Remember what happened last week?"

"Ah yes. Sorry bout that man."

"Don't mind it. We can hang out next week."


I fistbumped my buddy as we went seperate ways after hanging out with my group of friends, heading back to our respectively homes. I walked along the pathway passing by some of the shopes and cafes till I reached a convenience store. I remembered a request from my mother this morining to buy some ramyeon since we ran out of them. I opened the door to the store, which triggers the bell. The cashier greeted me and I replied with a simple bow. I walked along the instant noodle isle with a basket in my hand. I placed in 3 packets of spicy noodles into the basket along with a sandwich for myself.

I payed for the items and left the store, continuing my way back home. I entered the apartment complex, walked up the stairs to my floor, walked along the corridor till I reached the door, keyed in the security code and entered the house.

"Mommy I'm home!"

"Oh? Y/N! Did you buy the ramyeon?"

"Yup! Here you go."

I handed her the plastic bag, receiving a kiss on the cheek from her. I returned the kiss and entered my room to change into a fresh pair of clothes after being out in public. I wore a simple white tee and shorts and made my way back out to see my mom cooking up the ramyeon that I had just bought. I walked up behind her and gave her a back hug, shocking her a little.

"Woah! Don't scare me like that sweetheart."

"Sorry mom." I kissed her cheeks again and rest myself onto her. "Don't forget the eggs eomma. You need them in ramyeon."

"Of course I know that. You think I'm some baby that doesn't know basics?"


I took my seat and waited for her to finish cooking. She took a big coaster and placed it on the table before placing the hot pot that was filled to the brim with noodles and broth. She gave me a bowl and chopsticks before serving ourselves with the lunch that was in front of us. We devoured lunch quickly slurping up the familiar texture of noodles into the mouth that was coated with the rich spicy broth. Eomma gave me one of her eggs which I replied with a kiss on her lips. She smiled bashfully as we finished our meal.

"You bought a sandwich too didn't you."

"Yup! You want it? I ate the egg you gave me."

"Save it for later sweetie."

"Okay mom."

I helped her with the dishes, I took care of the bowls and chopsticks while eomma cleaned the pot. She finished first and headed into her room to rest. I watched her walk to her room catching a glimpse of her ass. Smirking, I quickly cleaned the dishes, dried my hands and rushed into her room, shocking her. I pinned her down on her bed and started to kiss her neck. Kissing her supple skin, sucking and licking it, marking my territory on her, leaving kisses all over her neck. Eomma moaned sexily into my ear, making my growing member even harder. Eomma sees this and grabbed it immediately, rubbing my clothed member with her supple hands. I lied down on her bed, took of my clothes and watched my mother going down south on my pants, rubbing her hands and face on it.

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