Recording - pt 1

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Josh pulled his VR headset off, laughing softly as he stopped the recording.
"Why did we decide to play that- it...was horrible-" Mully said as he sat down
Juicy laughed
"For fun..and..the fans entertainment- they like seeing us scared"
Mully nodded "true..but it's so..." he sighed "one horror game will give me a heart attack one day- I swear-"
Josh nodded "that's true..hopefully I'll be there to film it" he laughed, obviously joking
Juicy laughed along
Mully tolled his eyes "oh yeh me dying"
Josh chuckled "so I can? It'll get views."
Mully looked at his computer screen "what the fuck— no"
"Aw Fine-" josh replied
Juicy laughed softly
"Ok- while you guys argue like a old married couple. I have to go. I ordered food, bye" he said as he hung up the discord call, just leaving Mully and josh in the call

Josh sat back and brought up the video going to start editing it
"So anything on later on today?" Josh asked as he began scamming through the video to edit it.
Mully leaned on the desk and looked at the screen " not today" he answered back.
Josh nodded as a cut clips from the video together.

They continued to talk throughout the day while josh edits, after a while they turned the cameras on to FaceTime while continuing to talk.
Later on Kristy walks in with a plate of food for josh, josh looks at her and smiles "thank you"
He took the plate and put it down on the desk, lifting his fork and putting it into the food.
Kristy kisses josh's cheek then left the room.
Mully watched from his screen, he felt a small feeling of jealousy, he brushed it off, ignoring it, as he was straight and josh was only his friend, right?

"So what you got for dinner?"
Josh put his hand over his mouth and finished the food in his mouth then looked at the screen "it's.. spaghetti and meatballs"
Mully nodded "hm..balls sound nice"
Josh choked slightly on his food, as laughed at what Mully said
Mully laughed a little "could make you choke like that with my balls in your mouth."
Josh pushed his food away from him leaning back in that chair "Mully-! God damn it mul"
Mully laughed
"I've been put off my food." Josh said as he sat up.
Mully chuckled "Pft sorry dude"
Josh leaned his head in his hands, he looked at the screen at Mully and smiled.
Mully smiles back.

They continued to talk late into the night.

Josh yawned as he lean back in his chair.
"I'm going to head to bed." Josh said as he looked at Mully
Mully nodded "me too"
Josh smiled "I'll text you tomorrow. Night dude"
Mully nodded again "yeh text tomorrow, night- love you josh"
Josh looked at the screen, he chuckled it off not thinking much of it "Yeh love you too Mul" he smiled and he hung up the discord call.
Mully froze, not entirely sure why he said he loved josh, it probably just came out, like something he'd do automatically, right.

Mully got up and left his recording room, making his way to his bedroom, his mind still focused on when josh had side 'I love you' he couldn't get it out his head, he just kept thinking about it. Over and over again
It made him smile almost.
But him and josh are just friends. That's all it'll ever be.

A/N: hello! I've never really written like- a full on book..really and I'm kinda exited- so if you like it..let me know pls I'm nervous about posting this.
If you have any.. suggestions for this story please say! I'd love to know!
- Gaege 🍣

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