Visit - pt 2.5

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The morning

Josh sat up rubbing his eyes, he sleepily looked around, he looked down, josh's face turned a soft as he released he was siting on Mully, he carefully got off Mully, standing up and stretching, he looked over the mess off the coffee table.
Food and empty bottles. Josh doesn't remember anything from last night. He rubbed his head as he lifted the bottles and cleaned up the mess.

While josh was cleaning, Mully woke up. Mully sat up and rubbed his eyes and looked over at josh cleaning, he held his head, the memories of last night coming back to him.
He just remembers josh kissing him.
He sat up and stretched.
Josh looked over "Morning— you..remember anything last night?"
Mully looked at josh " no-" Mully said, stuttering slightly not exactly wanting to say what he remembered.
Josh nodded "me either..whatever it was I'm sure it was made a mess"
Mully nodded "yeh:.yeh a big- mess"  Mully stood up "I...need the toilet-" Mully said as he quickly made his way to the bathroom and going in locking the door behind him.
He looked in the mirror and fixed his hair, then leaned on the sink and sighed

"Did we actually kiss— we couldn't have..that would have been cheating.i have a girlfriend- so does josh..and— we are.. straight— ughhh" he looked at himself in the mirror for a while
"At least- I'm sure I'm straight...right-" he continued to look at himself in the mirror "ugh so confusing-"
He stood up straight, then sighed.
Mully then left the bathroom and made his way back to josh where he was in the kitchen.

Josh looked over at Mully
"You hungry?" Josh asked
Mully nodded, not wanting to say anything.
Josh nodded back and began to make some breakfast for the two, josh checked his phone "kristy won't be back we have a few hours."
Mully nodded "ohh ok ok"

As josh cooked he breakfast, Mully sat at the kitchen table and watched josh. Over time Mully felt his eyes glancing down at Josh's ass, he looked away and let his eyes wonder around the room.
'Stop it Mully- don't look at Josh's ass' Mully repeated in his head.
Josh walked over to the table placing a plate of breakfast in front of Mully
Mully looked up at josh and smiled "thanks"
Josh smiled back "no problem" josh went to get his plate then sit opposite Mully.
'God he's so cute-' Mully said in his head while eating, he glanced at josh while taking a bite of his food.
Josh caught Mully looking at him and smiled softly.
Mully blushed slightly and looked back at the food.
They both stay silent for a while
"It's good.." Mully said to break the silence
"Thanks..never really cool to be honest"
Mully nodded "you should more's good"
Josh smiled "yeh I probably should" he laughed softly.
Mully smiled

They both ate and then got changed.
Mully waited on the sofa for josh to finish getting changed.
Josh walked out his room and made his way to Mully.
Mully looked over at josh and smiled "you look great"
Josh smiled "heh..bit gay"
Mully nodded "yeh it is" Mully laughed a little, slightly anxiously
Josh laughed slightly "ok about we go to the mall..then go get lunch out"
Mully nodded "sounds great"

Josh lifted his car keys and they made there way outside getting in the car, Mully got in after him.
Josh turned the car on and drove to the mall.

They both spend a few hours walking through the mall and looking in different shops and buying things.

After a while of shopping they made there way to a restaurant and went inside getting a table and ordering food.
They both ordered a stake.
As they ate they talked about all sort of things.
Mully felt himself zoning out a few while josh was rambling on about some things. Mully has a soft blush across his face as he looked at josh.
Mully was slowly accepting the fact he had a crush on his best friend but he still hated the fact that nothing would come to it.
Maybe it was all just one big dream and he'll wake up..where he's straight and only friends with josh.

They both finished up there food and split the bill. After that they left the restaurant and made there way back to Josh's house.

Kristy who was sitting on the sofa watching the tv. Josh walked in first
"We are back"
Kristy smiled "in here!" She called out to them.
Josh walked to the living room, Mully followed behind him.
Kristy smiled at them both "how was your morning"
Josh nodded "it was good"
Mully nodded "yeh"
Kristy smiled "that's good, so what should we do"
Josh looked at Mully and Kristy "we could all watch a movie.
They both nodded
"I'll get popcorn" josh said as he left the room and went to the kitchen.
Mully sat on the sofa, Kristy lifted the remote and scrolled through movies
"What do you want to watch mul" she said as she looked over at Mully
Mully looked at her "uh..I don't mind. You choose"
Kristy smiled and looked back at the tv looking through the movies.
Josh walked in and sat in between Mully and Kristy.
Kristy put on a movie and then leaned on josh as it started to play.
Mully glanced over at them. He wished he was the one who was holding josh, he looked away and stuck his hand into the popcorn bowl and ate some.

The three watched a few movies throughout the night until they all ended up getting tired.

Mully ended up leaving to go to the room he was staying in halfway through the last movie. Not wanting to be around josh any his girlfriend anymore.

A/N: hello! This was longer than normal, 1002 words lmao. Do you guys like longer chapters? I dunno.
I'm enjoying writing this tbh.
Uh that's it lol. I hope you guys are enjoying this so far. It'll get juicy in the next chapter I promise hsksksk

Thanks for all the support on this story! - Gaege 🍣

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