Why - pt4

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Mully got out his car and walked into his house making his way upstairs and into his bedroom, he sat on the bed, his eyes glanced over to a picture of him and his girlfriend, he just looked at the picture for a while. She was out of town for a few days.
The questions in his head kept coming back to him and he kept re thinking about that night with josh.
Mully lifted the picture frame and threw it across the room, completely smashing it. He stared at the broke glass from the picture frame scattered across the ground.
He kept looking at it
"Why did I do that-"
Mully stood up and went to sit at his desk.
"I have a few days before she's back...that should give me enough time to..think this all through- right.."
Mully sighed as he leaned his head on the desk and questioned everything

Mully questioned himself the rest of the night, he slowly fell asleep with his head resting on his desk.
The next morning he sat up rubbing his head, he sat back and stretched, he glanced over at his computer screen.

Narrator is online

Mully sent narrator a message
'Hey dude'
'Oh hey Mully, you alright?'
'Aw no what's wrong?'
'I'm confused.'
He looked at the screen for a while before sending the message
'My sexuality.'
'Aw dude, that's perfectly normal. I did'
'You did?'
'Yes mean I'm bi, don't talk about it much but I am. So you think your bi? Gay or something else?'
'Something else?'
'Like..pan or ace?'
'Right— no I just think I'm gay...'
'Gay for josh'
'Ahhhh crushing. That's ok. So you think your gay, how do you feel about your girlfriend.'
'I mean..I like her...I think- I feel..distant from her..now'
'Alright that's completely normal! And ok'
'You just need some time to think about it all before you make a decision on all of it ok mul?'
'Yeh..thanks narrator'
'No problem'

Mully sat back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling. He questioned himself over the next few days.

The day came that his girlfriend would arrive home.
Mully sat on the sofa looking over at the door.
The front door handle turned and she walked in.
"Hey mul I'm back"
Mully looked at her "hi- I..have to tell you...s..something-"
She looked at him "hm? What's that"
"I uh— I..." Mully stuttered Over his words
"I..think we need to break up-"
She dropped her bag "what- no..mul you can't-"
Mully looked down "its..for the best" he looked back at her
She stepped back "I thought we were happy mul!"
"We are....were-" Mully said
"Then what happened!" She answered back
"I- I'm gay!—" Mully said waiting for a response
She didn't say anything for while, just looked at him, before she spoke
"So..our relationship was a..lie-?"
"Wh- what what no no! I like you..I did— like you-I...thought..and..I...realized..I was gay—" Mully stuttered over his words
"Great...ok...cool- I'll..leave-" she pushed past Mully making her way upstairs to the room and packing her stuff before leaving the house and slamming the door behind her.
Mully jumped slightly at the door slamming.

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