chapter four | sweater sleeves!

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"god my head hurts," you whined as you slumped back on the couch. it was the night before written exams, and for some reason, you were a lot more stressed than usual.

"i hate it here." you mumbled with your hands over your face. it was only eleven at night, so there was no way you were stopping right now. you had at least until one am. or, whenever bakugou came down to yell at you again.

taking a deep breath, you forced yourself to sit back up properly and finish your work. it was quiet in the common room - as always - but you kept yourself focused with soft music playing off your phone.

while you hummed the words, you felt the couch dip beside you. and you knew exactly who it was.

"shouldnt you be asleep?" you asked while you kept your eyes on your paper, squeezing your pencil.

"i could ask you the same thing, dumbass. give it a break already. you should be well rested for tomorrow or you're definitely gonna fail." bakugou grumbled before leaning forward, closer to you as he looked at what you were doing.

your grip loosened on your pencil as you felt his breath on your cheek. you didn't dare turn your head in his direction, even though you two were close last night, you weren't this close.

"you sound like my mom," you mentioned to yourself mainly.

"what're you even working on, anyway?" he asked lowly right into your ear. his right hand moving to grab the paper you were previously writing on, ignoring your comment.

"just umm, stuff" you choked out, staring at the now empty place on the table in front of you, your stomach flipping in the process.

"hm, seems like you know what you're doing. great, studying is over," he stated as he tossed the notebook messily on the table, standing up. the wind that hit you from his quick movement was sweet, like caramel.

"not even close. it's only eleven," you glanced up at him finally before reaching for your notebook, his hand blocking the way in an instant.

"geez, why are your hands so fucking cold?" he flinched and narrowed his eyes down at you. you just simply shrugged and examined your hands. you tilted your head to the side and placed your hands on your cheeks, the only feeling being how hot your cheeks were.

"they aren't cold," you mumbled before dropping them into your lap, deciding to just give up on studying since he obviously wasn't going to let you go.

"stupid, yes they are. here," bakugou sat down again, his thigh brushing against yours from how close he moved towards you. he abruptly grabbed your hands before shaking them, his hoodie sleeves covering yours and his.

"w-what're you doing!?" your flustered face reddening even more as you tried to move your hands away. your mind and body fighting each other.

"you're gonna catch a cold with you being down here every night in this freezing room with no sweater or anything." he bossed. his eyes narrowing once again as he gripped your hands gently, not letting you go.

"you literally sound like my mom!" you said again with a laugh, hands becoming limp in his hold. the heat was all too much for you, and your insides felt like they turned into jelly just by a simple gesture. yet, you didn't want to pull away, and you didn't want him to let go anytime soon.

"well you're a loose canon unless someone sets you straight," he argued, rolling his eyes and staring down at the sleeves both ur hands were hidden in.

"says you."

"shut up."

"make me."

your eyes widened at your words that just slipped out of your lips before you even thought about it. you looked up at bakugou with a worried look taking over your previously smiling face. surprisingly, he was still looking down at your hands, a small smile resting on his face.

wait, a smile? not a scowl or anything. a smile!

"you're smiling," you thought out loud, tilting your head to get a better look at this rare sight.

"yeah because you're a dumbass." he fought back, his smile dropping forcefully and instead being replaced by the same scowl he always wore. you used to think that was the only facial expression he knew, that was until recently.

"well, at least i was the cause of it." you blinked and looked down at your joined hands as well, feeling him squeeze them every few seconds.

"never again." he whispered before removing his hands from yours and standing up once again. his hands were shoved into his pockets before he turned around and started walking away.

"i'll make it happen again, katsuki!" you promised with pink cheeks and a swollen bottom lip from how much you had been biting it.

"i don't doubt it." he finished without a second glance, leaving for the night.

"well now my hands are cold..." you muttered shyly, clenching your fists, the warmth from his grasp seeped out of your hands, you tried to capture it.

"oh boy."

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