chapter eight | whispers!

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"you did good today dumbass," bakugou huffed from behind you. once again in the common room, late at night. no surprise there. suddenly, his hand came into view, holding it out in front of your face with a small box gripped between his fingers.

"bakugou! did you just give me a compliment and a gift? i'm honored!" you joked, taking the box from his hand before he sat next to you on the couch, kicking his feet up on the table where your cup of tea sat. no homework or late night studying this time.

"shut up before i take both of them back." he barked while placing his hands behind his head and leaning back, a heavy sigh escaping his lips.

your class had just finished the physical exams and your hard work had payed off; being one of the top students in the tests. bakugou had placed high too, but you weren't expecting to trade gifts for something so simple.

"well, okay then. thank you i guess," you glanced over at him with a small smile while the box rested on your lap, a blanket wrapped loosely around your shoulders.

"well are you gonna fucking open it?" he snapped at you quite loudly, causing your hand to fly over his mouth.

"let's use our inside voices, katsu~" you whispered to him as if you were talking to a child. well, it's basically the same thing.

after bakugou rolled his eyes at your dumb comment, you felt something wet on your hand before pulling away instantly.

"ew you weirdo! did you just lick me?" you squealed, wiping your hand on your pants repeatedly.

"let's use our inside voices, dumbass," he mocked in a low whisper, closing in towards your ear. you felt goosebumps rise all over your body as your eyes rounded, swallowing hard before biting your bottom lip. a bad habit of yours.

your stomach sucked in as he groaned next to your ear, confused why he was still so close. your body heated up instantly as he whispered in your ear once again, your mind going berserk;

"if you don't quit biting that damn lip of yours then i'm gonna start doing it for you."

you weren't sure if you heard him correctly, because the loud beating of your heart had taken over your hearing when his warm breath hit your face. honestly, you heard him quite well considering his words kept replaying in your mind over and over, making you question if you should bite your lip again for the hell of it.

as his tone replayed in your mind for what felt like hours, you had turned to see that bakugou was nowhere to be seen. must have left after you sat there like a rock while his words slithered through your brain.

you placed a hand on your heart, feeling the rapid and irregular beating go nonstop. remembering the gift he gave you, you looked down at the brown box, a small, red, and folded piece of paper resting on top.

as your hands shakily moved to the letter, it revealed messy writing that you assumed belonged to none other than the flirtatious boy that was down here moments ago.

'i guess i tolerate you.'

you looked at the words for a moment before bursting out in laughter, covering your own mouth to contain the loud giggles that escaped.

it was a nice note - for him at least - and you could tell it was the best he could do considering he rarely tolerates anyone. just the thought of him sitting in his dorm, trying to write the nicest thing he could, made you laugh again.

he tried at least.

when you opened the box, the smell of strawberries and chocolate exploded out of it. you tilted your head at the three big strawberries that were arranged beautifully inside.

"what am i supposed to do with him," you sighed, feeling a blush coat your already warm cheeks. you stared at the box a moment longer before closing it and picking up the rest of your stuff.

turning your body to head to the kitchen, you jumped when you saw bakugou leaning against the counter and staring at you with an amused smirk upon his face.

"oh, you're still here." you stopped in your tracks as he just watched you, not saying a word. it was a short staring contest between you two before he blinked and cleared his throat. as he pushed himself off the counter, his arms crossed over his chest.

"thanks again, for this" you motioned towards the box in your hand, feeling the urge to bring your lip between your teeth again.

as if he knew what you were about to do, his eyes darted down to watch your lips, causing you to stop your actions.

"i'll see you tomorrow." he whispered almost too quietly. you could only nod your head hesitantly and clutch the objects in your hands.

once he left for sure this time, you stayed frozen in your spot, a light flashing in your eyes before you instinctively pinched your bottom lip between your straight teeth, a smirk crawling onto your face.


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