♤ 5. Kasin ♤

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a/n: recommend listening to the song. my smile is extinct

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I give you my soul,
more than you know

I hold yours so tight
I think it might blow

Blow away, into the
Following the roads
that curve and bend.

"Come with me,"  you say,
and I hear it.
I swear I can feel it in my spirit.

I follow you into the dark woods,
holding onto you so dearly.

Quickly running from my own shadows.

They stretch out before me,
Creating creatures in the dark.

You kiss my hand,
and I feel a spark
Its roaring through me like a fire,
Burning fast with deep desire.

My head spins and my heart swims,
Lost in your gaze and beauty.

You swear not to let go,
As if it's your duty.

"Ugh, God no," Kasin groaned disappointingly, pushing away the Fry Brothers napkin he had written on, and shifted his attention back to his hamburger. Sinking his teeth into the steaming meat, he let himself forget the childish thing he had tried to make into a poem. He didn't know what in the world had possessed him to think those words could describe Arrow would be a good idea. "Duty...beauty? God, I'm a loser."

Kasin wasn't sure what she had cast over him, but recently, as it had seemed, whenever he got a thought about Arrow, he'd get an urge to write it down. But the second it was down on paper (or in this case, a slightly used napkin), it would turn into some kind of love sick sappy song that he didn't want to do intentionally.

Whenever she got tangled into thoughts, he couldn't help but get a little too high off in his own thoughts and let his words get softer. Mushier.

Kasin wasn't mushy.

Kasin was many, many things, but pathetically soft around the edges surely couldn't be on the long list of traits he carried around with him ... Or so he thought. If anything, he was oversensitive at times and cared too much of what others thought of him, but he himself couldn't see it.

Surprisingly, Arrow had once even infamously broken up with him over his unemotional blunt attitude and absence of sympathy toward delicate topics. But little did she know that his lack of sensitively was forced, so forced that it even fooled Kasin. And that he was even perhaps more aware of things then she was about anything and everything during her small time of existence.

Arrow Mendoza was hard to get alone. She was beautiful and barely ever on her own. When she wasn't being hounded by her gang of goofy friends, then there was the obvious problem of separating her from her half-brother, Armon.

Kasin missed Arrow. She didn't understand him or appreciate him in the way that she should've. Kasin saw the smaller things in life and for some reason smiled more because of it; for its simplicity aspects within life to even insignificant but precious incidences that were shielded away from others in the world it was harbored in.

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