♤ 7. Kasin ♤

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"I love Arrow, you know that," Tory supplied suddenly, "It's just what she's doing right now is wrong, and you obviously don't see that."

"Oh, trust me," he huffed thickly, "I see it. It's all I can see."

"But what you're doing is no better."

"I'm being used."

Vince sighed, "You're aware of that...why don't you do something about it!?"

Kasin made a face in Vince direction, it was one of those she's-got-to-be-kidding-me looks, but Vince only nodded in agreement with his girlfriend. If Kasin thought he was trapped before, he was surely wrong, because there was no real way of getting out of this ordeal.

"You're waiting for her," Tory gasped in realization, leaping forward and closing the space between them for a hug. "Oh, Kasin," she breathed into the shoulder of his jacket, "You don't need to wait for her."

Kasin's muddled expression hardened, eyeing her as if she had just spoken a foreign language. "What the hell is she talking about, Vince?"

Vince mirrored his confusion, just as lost, "No clue."

"I'm not waiting for anyone...whoever you're talking about."

Tory reeled back, eyes glossed over, "You know I love Arrow."

"You already said that," Kasin informed her, "Twice now."

"I just don't trust her," she admitted bashfully, ducking her head in embarrassment.

Arrow and Tory had been best friends since Year 6, which was longer than Vince and Kasin had known each other. Tory was the one who thought it was fate when the two guy best friends had paired up with the two girl best friends. Tory soon learned, by fate she meant tragedy. And ever since, Tory never learned how to forgive herself for setting Kasin and Arrow up together and staring their infamous rollercoaster of an entanglement.

"I don't trust her," she had went on, "because I honestly don't know what she's thinking."

"She's unpredictable," Kasin supplied. She was unpredictable and that was why he was so crazy about her. Not being able to solve her was half of the fun, he had once told himself years ago. But Arrow was more of a puzzle than he had known then. "She's not going to do me any harm."

"Not to you physically," she said, placing a hand onto his shoulder, then pointed a finger to his temple, "But she's doing all sorts of fucked up shit to you mentally and it'll only get worse. I've seen her do it before. It won't end pretty."

Kasin rolled his eyes, "You're over exaggerating," he rested a hand over hers, giving it a light squeeze. "I'll be fine. Besides, she wants to play hard to get or whatever, I'll-"

"Wait for her," Tory filled in for him, winking her nose in displeasure.

"That's not what I was going to say," he proclaimed with a gentle chuckle, "I'll play just as hard as she is, and if she really wants to be with Leon, then good for her. I'll leave. Simple as that."

"Simple as that?" Vince said for the first time in minutes. "Why do I feel like you're lying?"

Kasin merely shrugged, "You'll have to wait and see if it's true or not."

As the night tumbled nearer and the shore retracted back off of the sand, the three friends found themselves back inside the car toward Woodland Hills. Vince was cuddled in the back with Tory, leaving Kasin by himself in the front of the car.

He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel in time with the music on the radio, lost in thought for the millionth time. Was he truly as sensitive as he had said he was?

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